Archive for the ‘Development’ Category

23 months old

22 Nov

…like a diamond in the sky…..

I can’t believe that my baby is now nearly two years old…just a month to go. I sometimes think about the fact that he is now older than Nathan was when Toby was born, and I just can’t imagine how Toby would cope with a small baby in the house. I guess it’s a good thing he doesn’t have to.

Somehow I never got around to writing Toby’s 22 month blog, and his 21 month one got lost in cyber space not once, but twice. I hate writing things two times, let alone three, so I didn’t get around to writing it again. I was going to post a video at the end of Toby’s 21 month blogs of him being independently trying to put his pants on, but because there is no blog posted I will put it at the end of this one.

Independence is a big thing for Toby right now. He is constantly telling me that he can do something, that he is right and doesn’t need help, but I know that most of the time he is incapable. He gets so very upset if I try to help, but without help he can’t do it. Makes for some quite frustrating situations…like putting his seatbelt on. He wants to put it on, can’t do it but won’t let me do it. Talking about cars, getting two kids into their seats and seatbelts strapped is really hard work. Nathan will generally get into his seat relatively quickly, but Toby can jump between the front and back seats more quickly than I can move between the front and back doors, so he can stay out of arms reach when he doesn’t want to go into his seat. Then, when he is finally in his seat we have the seatbelt issue. Sheesh.

Toby is now speaking in sentences…well, still missing a word here and there, but he is definitely past the one word statements. Toileting is going well, though he still doesn’t often take himself to the potty for a wee, and he doesn’t tell me when he needs to wee (just like Nathan at the same age), so we do have wet pants to deal with when I’m not on the ball. Throwing is a big thing at the moment too, and he’s not too bad at it either.

Anyway, here is the video that was supposed to be on the 21-month blog entry.


04 Oct


This is Nathan’s latest effort at writing ‘Toby’ and ‘Nathan’. I think it is pretty recognisable, though Nathan’s name is written backwards.

20 months old

31 Aug

Toby reading the Field Guide of Australian Birds

I am over a week late for Toby’s update! Where does the time go? Spring is on our doorstep and we have been back in Melbourne for nearly a year, yet there are friends I haven’t caught up with yet. Anyway, onto Toby’s update.

I guess one of the things that stands out from the last month is that Toby’s vocabulary continues to grow quickly, and he is making a lot more sentences now rather than just saying one word. Yes, the sentences have words missing from them, but they are sentences non-the-less. The other thing is that the toileting really seems to have clicked for Toby. He has been doing poos in the potty all year and takes himself, but getting to the potty for a wee has been hit and miss. In the last couple of weeks Toby has started taking himself to the potty for wees much more regularly, and when he has undies on (he does a lot of bare bottom time around home) he tries to get them down and sometimes he can now. Also, he has been dry at night for a few weeks now whereas prior he would have a few dry nights followed by a wet one. He wakes in the morning, has some milk and then asks for the potty since he can’t really walk well in his sleeping bag. I am considering getting a waterproof mattress protector for his mattress and giving up on night nappies completely, which would be good because they don’t fit him very well (they were made for Nathan who had much chunkier legs) and tend to chafe his thighs if he wriggles too much at night.

Counting is a big thing for Toby at the moment. He counts objects up to 4 and then loses track of where he was up to, and he will negotiate for two of something instead of just one. When I say negotiate, it is more of a demand…Toby, would you like a cherry tomato? And he says: Two! He still adores books and points to the words in a book and says ‘words’.

Toby loves walking on brick edging, brick fences, beams, rails, rows of stones….anything he can practice balancing and walking on. He holds my hand as he walks if he is elevated at all.

That’s about it for now.

Fat and skinny

22 Aug

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Both Nathan and Toby had appointments at the Early Childhood Centre, or whatever they call it here in Victoria….Maternal Health Centre or something. Anyway, Toby was there for his 18 month check, and Nathan for his 3.5 year check.

I was surprised that Nathan had an eye test done. He was given a sheet of paper with some shapes and letters on it, and the nurse put glasses on him with one eye blocked out. She asked him to look at a card she was holding, and then point to the shape/letter on his sheet. After a couple of letters, Andrew just said to the nurse that it would be easier if she just asked him what letter she had rather than pointing to it on his sheet. It made things a lot faster. The nurse told Nathan he was very clever to know his letters, and he said yes, he is very clever. Hehe.

At all these appointments the kids are weighed and measured, and I know that for 2 years or more Nathan has been on the 50th percentile (spot on average) for height, and he has been on the 90th percentile for weight. He has always looked solid, but I have never thought of him as fat. Today was the first time that anyone has calculated a BMI for him, and his was in the red part of the scale…ie too fat.

We were essentially told that we should cut down on snacks. Now I know that neither Andrew or I are great role models in the weight stakes, but I have been so conscious of this over the years that I have been really strict with what the kids eat….to the point that I think that other family members think I am over the top strict. I totally believe that the kids do not need sweet foods, and I hate it when we are out and about and people offer the kids lollies. I feel like such a meanie when I say that they can’t have them, so sometimes I relent and allow it, but this is not often. We have tried to discourage things like Easter eggs, and most have disappeared (easy when they don’t really crave these treats and are young enough to forget about them). On occasions when we might get an ice-cream, we all share a single ice-cream. Same goes for biscuits…the kids never expect an entire biscuit to themselves, we share them. I figured this was a nice way for them to have a taste without getting overdosed on things they shouldn’t eat. If we have dessert after dinner, usually it is after the kids are asleep, otherwise they are allowed a tiny sliver, but again dessert is rare in our house. In general we don’t give them fizzy drinks (never!), or prepackaged snacks, or fruit juice, or lollies or fried foods. So what do we eat? We eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and probably the killer is that the kids adore carbohydrates…pasta, bread, potato, cous cous, etc.. So is this the problem? Or is it that I put a small drizzle of honey onto their porridge in the mornings to make bland oats seem a bit nicer?

Basically, I truely believe that though we may stray occasionally, the kids have a very healthy and balanced diet (the parents need more discipline but that is another story) and eat moderate amounts os food. I never force them to finish a meal, as I believe they know best when they are full. Most of their outside meal snacks are fruit or the stealing of veggies that I am cutting up for dinner. We verbalised some of this to the nurse and she said that if it is all true then he should be a better weight, and we still need to look at what he eats and get low fat milk, cheese and yoghurt, none of which he eats much of. She suggested we might like to have an appointment with a nutricianalist.

I know that childhood obesity is a big issue in Australia, but I am so sad that all my efforts to have my kids eat a healthy diet with loads of exercise have still resulted in being told I have a fat child and I should be concerned (though the nurse admitted he looks well proportioned). Before today I had a healthy concern about their weight, but now I feel like a failure as a parent, that I could not keep Nathan from being classified as fat and being told we need to do something about it or he will pay for it in the school ground. Once again, visiting the maternity and childhood nurse has resulted in me being upset and stressed. I swore off these places years ago….I sort of think I should not have bothered going back. The only reason I did was because I wanted Nathan weighed and measured. Sheesh.

And then, of course, Toby is weighed and he is on the light end of the scale.

3.5 years old

14 Aug


Nathan is now 3.5 years old. People talk about the 2’s being a tough time, but we seemed to mostly breeze through. Yes, we had difficulties, but nothing that would make me dub the year as the Terrible Twos. That year Nathan had to get used to being a big brother, so I didn’t really expect it to be easy. The Threes I have been finding harder, though until now it was mostly to do with sibling rivalry/fighting. I have definitely found the last few weeks the hardest of being a parent so far, and it has been solely due to Nathan’s behavior. He has become really unhelpful, and deliberately destructive and/or messy. He has also had a number of tantrums/meltdowns when he doesn’t get his way, with many if them being in public (which is never pleasant). The thing is, I know that when he is being destructive, for example, that I can fix the situation by spending some one-on-one time with him, but either I am in the middle of doing something I don’t want to stop, like cooking dinner, or Toby gets upset and tries to dominate my attention. I also think that sometimes I expect too much from him, because he is the big boy compared to Toby, and I forget that he is only three years old which is still pretty little really.

Still, I don’t want to linger on the difficult, because there are some wonderful things that Nathan is doing, and he is also fun to be around. He is interested in everything, wants to know how everything works, wants to do (almost) everything on his own. His reading is slowly coming along, and he still amazes me at times when he reads a sign or a word in a book I didn’t realize he knew. He is getting a lot better at throwing, but still struggles with catching, and his balance is great and can now walk on planks (for example) without falling off. He still has his own language, but his real words are getting more and more understandable by those who don’t know him, with more sounds being pronounceable, though c, q and r sounds are still pretty difficult for him. He adores his little brother and they share their own little world and can play together really well, but he is also way too rough with Toby and often play ends in tears.

One of the things that has changed with Nathan over the last 6 months, and it is a really big thing for us, is that he doesn’t often breastfeed to sleep any more. Most nights Andrew reads him to sleep on the couch while I am getting Toby to sleep in the bedroom, and then we transfer Nathan to his bed. Funnily enough, he doesn’t go to sleep when Andrew reads to him in his bed, but he does if I try on the bed (though that doesn’t happen very often). Being able to share the job of helping Nathan to sleep has been wonderful for me. The books we read to Nathan are ones with lots of words and not many pictures like Roald Dahl books (though many of them have to be censored – many of his stories have lots of violence and/or guns in them, neither of which are really appropriate for his age…to my way of thinking).

Nathan has started watching a small amount of TV in the last 3 months. He has seen a few episodes of Playschool now, mostly when Andrew doesn’t make it home from work before I take Toby to bed. To stop him harassing me while I try to get Toby to sleep, watching Playschool as been a useful distraction. He has seen half a dozen or so episodes, so it is not a regular event. He has also watched a few documentaries which he loves.

Update: yes, it is now several weeks on from when I wrote the above, and I truly jinxed us with Nathan’s sleep. He has become so very difficult to get to sleep lately that we are having fights at night over sleep which I hate. I am hoping he learns to relax and go to sleep soon….surely this is just another phase…..surely…..


30 Jul

Last week, on Wednesday night, Toby slept for 5 hours without waking. That was the longest he has slept for a really, really long time. He used to sleep 5 or 6 hours when he was a newborn, but that hasn’t happened since he was 3 months old. As I said, until last week.

Normally Toby will sleep for 3 hours after getting him to sleep at night, and after he wakes the first time he sometimes wakes only two more times in the night, though mostly it is a lot more than that. I stopped counting a long time ago. When I say that he wakes, I don’t know that he totally wakes up, but he wriggles and calls out for me and wants milk, and if I don’t respond quickly then he wakes up properly and it is always harder to get him back to sleep from that state. Occasionally he continues to wriggle and then I put him on the potty, but mostly he settles down though he can suck for a very long time. Needless to say, I feel like I’ve been quite sleep deprived for a long, long time.

I hope that I am not jinxing the sleep situation here by writing about it, but Toby slept for 8 hours last night. Yes, that was EIGHT lovely hours. I wonder how long it will be be before that happens again. 🙂

19 months old

30 Jul

Camera Roll-100
Photo taken by Steph.

I’m already over a week late with Toby’s monthly update, but there isn’t really much to mention besides his rapidly expanding vocabulary. I am totally amazed at how many more words he has, and how much more understandable he is, from just a month ago.

I am really enjoying his language exploration. I remember Nathan doing pretty much the same things, so it is sort of a trip down memory lane as well. When we walk places, for example, Toby will walk for a bit and then say ‘stop’ and simultaneously stop walking. He will wait for a bit, then say ‘go’ and start walking again. Often he waits for me to stop walking as well when he stops. I had forgotten that Nathan used to do exactly the same thing.

18 months old

21 Jun


Toby is now 18 months old. My baby isn’t much of a baby any more! He is turning into a very independent little boy. He is quite happy to explore both new and familiar places on his own, and he knows what he wants with enough words to make his wishes understood most of the time. He stands up to Nathan now when Nathan wants to take what Toby has, and certainly makes his wants known with a combination of words, pointing and crying (when we don’t understand or he doesn’t get his way).

Toby has many more words at 18 months old than I imagined he would a few months ago. I did a word list for Nathan when he was 18 months old, and I decided to do the same for Toby. The words are those he uses spontaneously and not those he tries to copy when someone else is talking. The problem is that every day he comes out with more words, and I never remember them all. I would say that Toby’s list isn’t as comprehensive as Nathan’s was. Toby is also putting words together into two and three word sentences.

Colours and number recognition are also coming along. When we count from one to ten, Toby says the first two numbers, and if we stop at the number nine then he will finish with an excited “TEN”!

Elimination communication is going really well now. Although Toby has been doing poos on the potty for quite a while now, catching his wee in the potty has been more difficult. The last few weeks has seen what seems to be a huge breakthrough in that he is more often dry than wet now. He is able to sit on the potty by himself if he has a bare bottom, and will occasionally on his own initiative for wees and more often if we suggest that he sit on the potty. He is able to answer us when we ask if he needs the toilet, and even tells us that he needs it sometimes. We still get quite a few wet training pants during the day, a few wet nappies at night though he is generally dry, but we definitely catch more wee than we miss and some days he is completely dry.

Toby loves playing with the animal figurines, loves books though he still doesn’t have the attention span to sit through an entire picture book (generally), loves playing with the saucepans and kitchen utensils, and is desperate to ride the balance bike. He is an absolute delight to be around.


Word map made using (cc license with reference)

17 months old

25 May


Toby is using more and more words, and has a really pleased look on his face when we understand him. He uses the word ‘stuck’ on it’s own, or calls out ‘Mummy stuck’ to let me know he needs help. It happens most when trying to get in the back door and the wire door closes on his leg.

Toby is sleeping 11 – 12 hours at night (he still wakes a lot) and 45 minutes to an hour and a half during the day. His day nap has been slowly moving from 10:30 am and is now generally around midday.

Toby seems to be becoming less destructive in general, and trying more to manipulate tools instead. His is much more aware of the things he wants, and will hold something and repeat “mine” if he thinks that Nathan is going to take it away from him…which is generally what happens anyway.

16 months old

21 Apr


Toby is making more recognisable word sounds, though still very little is understandable. He says words like Mummy, Daddy, jump, duck and car. He is very strong willed, knowing exactly what he wants and let’s us all know if he isn’t getting it. He is pretty good, though, at communicating with us to let us know what it is that he wants, even if he isn’t very verbal yet. He also tries very hard to do things like putting socks and shoes on, not wanting us to help even though he isn’t able to do it himself yet.

There are more fights between Nathan and Toby these days, with both kids wanting the same things at the same time. Toby has started biting and hitting, all of us but Nathan cops the worst bites because he can’t recognize when it is about to happen and therefore cannot try to avoid the bite like Andrew and I can. Nathan, in return has started pushing and even biting when he gets angry with Toby. Mostly we have a calm house, but there are moments…..

All in all, Toby is at a really delightful age, and we have a lot of fun with him.

Cork’s Corner

My little corner of the internet