23 months old

22 Nov

…like a diamond in the sky…..

I can’t believe that my baby is now nearly two years old…just a month to go. I sometimes think about the fact that he is now older than Nathan was when Toby was born, and I just can’t imagine how Toby would cope with a small baby in the house. I guess it’s a good thing he doesn’t have to.

Somehow I never got around to writing Toby’s 22 month blog, and his 21 month one got lost in cyber space not once, but twice. I hate writing things two times, let alone three, so I didn’t get around to writing it again. I was going to post a video at the end of Toby’s 21 month blogs of him being independently trying to put his pants on, but because there is no blog posted I will put it at the end of this one.

Independence is a big thing for Toby right now. He is constantly telling me that he can do something, that he is right and doesn’t need help, but I know that most of the time he is incapable. He gets so very upset if I try to help, but without help he can’t do it. Makes for some quite frustrating situations…like putting his seatbelt on. He wants to put it on, can’t do it but won’t let me do it. Talking about cars, getting two kids into their seats and seatbelts strapped is really hard work. Nathan will generally get into his seat relatively quickly, but Toby can jump between the front and back seats more quickly than I can move between the front and back doors, so he can stay out of arms reach when he doesn’t want to go into his seat. Then, when he is finally in his seat we have the seatbelt issue. Sheesh.

Toby is now speaking in sentences…well, still missing a word here and there, but he is definitely past the one word statements. Toileting is going well, though he still doesn’t often take himself to the potty for a wee, and he doesn’t tell me when he needs to wee (just like Nathan at the same age), so we do have wet pants to deal with when I’m not on the ball. Throwing is a big thing at the moment too, and he’s not too bad at it either.

Anyway, here is the video that was supposed to be on the 21-month blog entry.

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