Archive for the ‘Toby’s second year’ Category

Happy Birthday Toby

21 Dec

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Toby turned two years old today, and he was very excited about his birthday. We gave him a card with a steam train on it, and he spent the next 20 minutes playing with his card and totally ignoring his present. Finally he unwrapped his book, called ‘Again’, and of course he wanted it read again and again! His other present was Nathan’s old balance bike, which he has been practicing on since we have been in the mountains, and he is starting to be quite confident on it now.

The other thing Toby was really excited about was having cake, and he was quite upset when we told him we would make it in the afternoon and not straight away. We had breakfast and decided to go to the pool at Thredbo. Our plan had been to go up in the chairlift to Thredbo top station and go for a walk, but the mountain tops were in the clouds all morning, so we changed to going to the pool. Toby had a ball at the pool. There was a very fast water slide and Toby couldn’t get enough of it. He had to go on it with Andrew or me, and as soon as we got to the end he would get out of the pool and start up the steps again, so one of us would have to run after him. It was actually quite exhausting for us, and even Toby had slowed down a little by the end.

Toby fell asleep in the car on the way back to the tent, but didn’t transfer well and I was trying to get him back to sleep in the tent when Nathan mentioned cake. Well, that was the end of Toby’s sleep because he wanted cake! So we made the cake and put it in the Weber, then Nathan and Andrew went for a drive to get some ice and milk for Jindabyne while I tried to get Toby to have some quiet time.

We iced the cake, and when Nathan and Andrew got back we took the cake up to the people we met the other day who were nice and gave the kids some biscuits. We asked them of they’d like to have some cake with us, sang Happy Birthday to Toby, and ate most of the cake.

We had another flat chicken for dinner with veggies. Andrew lit the fire so we could have toasted marshmellows, which we had also promised the kids. Luckily the rain stayed away until marshmellows were eaten, the kids were in bed, and everything packed up. I think Toby had a great day.

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At the end of this video Toby says “do it again”.

Another lazy day

21 Dec

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The morning started with a bath for Toby because he wet the bed last night. He doesn’t often do that, but I forgot to put him on the potty before bed so it is probably partly my fault. I was just lucky that the weather was fine all day and I managed to get most things dry after washing.

We did some more splashing in the river, and we saw a water rat quite close up. I now suspect that the ‘platypus’ we saw swimming in the river yesterday morning was, in fact, a water rat. Andrew and Nathan walked across the river to the other side of the river. Nathan really enjoyed it, despite the waist-deep cold water.

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Thredbo River

18 Dec

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We spent a lot of time at the campground today, loathe to be too busy when we can finally relax after a busy week. A lot of the day seemed to include the river. This morning we watched a platypus swimming in the river while the kids threw stones into the water. Toby had a very early day sleep, and while he was sleeping Nathan and Andrew walked/rode the Bullocks Track loop, some 4 km or so. The kids did a lot of bike riding, though Nathan managed to get his bike confiscated until at least tomorrow. There was also a lot of paddling in the river, by not just the kids and myself, but we also saw a couple of emus cross the river. We did make a trip to Thredbo to find ice and have a jack play in the playground, but then it was back to the campsite for dinner and more paddling.

Talking about dinner, so far the Weber has revolutionized our camping meals. Last night we had a whole BBQ chicken, flattened and marinated by a butcher at Chadstone with potato salad (made at home) and a tossed salad. Tonight it was sausages, roasted potato and carrot mixed together, haloumi cheese cooked on the BBQ and grilled mushrooms. We also tried to cook biscuits in the BBQ today, but I think we need to make some simple modifications to (hopefully) stop the bottom of them burning next time.

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Nathan riding Toby’s bike

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Toby wishing he could ride Nathan’s bike

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Finally Toby gets to ride his bike

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Mummy, I’m up to my knees now! He wasn’t allowed to go deeper than his knees.

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Ear plugs

10 Dec

Nathan came to me yesterday all excited about ear plugs. “I have ear plugs” he excitedly told me. I glanced in his direction and saw a kind of grey material in his ears. A couple of days ago he found some small, squishy, bright green ear plugs, but it certainly wasn’t those he had in his ears. On closer inspection I found he had squashed a hamburger patty (cooked and left over from last night’s dinner) into his ear. He and Toby had taken the leftovers out of the fridge, and both were trying to squash meat into their ears. What are those two going to get up to next?

Calming walk in the sun

06 Dec

There is nothing better than not having a pressing matter and being able to take our time. We decided to go to the city today by train, and the walk to the station took us a very, very long time. The kids were sidetracked by the normal things…walking on the stones along the front of a certain house, collecting big gum nuts from the gum trees alone the way, looking through the paper tube of letterboxes, etc.. In addition, though, today it was nice to sit in the sun and pick the flowers growing in unkempt nature strips. By the end of the walk Nathan had his hands full with a bunch of yellow flowers in one hand, and a stick in his other. Toby had to inspect every flower we went past. It was a nice walk to the train…well, with a short sprint at the end to catch one.

It was also a nice way to calm down after getting angry with Nathan for giving Toby another hair cut.

23 months old

22 Nov

…like a diamond in the sky…..

I can’t believe that my baby is now nearly two years old…just a month to go. I sometimes think about the fact that he is now older than Nathan was when Toby was born, and I just can’t imagine how Toby would cope with a small baby in the house. I guess it’s a good thing he doesn’t have to.

Somehow I never got around to writing Toby’s 22 month blog, and his 21 month one got lost in cyber space not once, but twice. I hate writing things two times, let alone three, so I didn’t get around to writing it again. I was going to post a video at the end of Toby’s 21 month blogs of him being independently trying to put his pants on, but because there is no blog posted I will put it at the end of this one.

Independence is a big thing for Toby right now. He is constantly telling me that he can do something, that he is right and doesn’t need help, but I know that most of the time he is incapable. He gets so very upset if I try to help, but without help he can’t do it. Makes for some quite frustrating situations…like putting his seatbelt on. He wants to put it on, can’t do it but won’t let me do it. Talking about cars, getting two kids into their seats and seatbelts strapped is really hard work. Nathan will generally get into his seat relatively quickly, but Toby can jump between the front and back seats more quickly than I can move between the front and back doors, so he can stay out of arms reach when he doesn’t want to go into his seat. Then, when he is finally in his seat we have the seatbelt issue. Sheesh.

Toby is now speaking in sentences…well, still missing a word here and there, but he is definitely past the one word statements. Toileting is going well, though he still doesn’t often take himself to the potty for a wee, and he doesn’t tell me when he needs to wee (just like Nathan at the same age), so we do have wet pants to deal with when I’m not on the ball. Throwing is a big thing at the moment too, and he’s not too bad at it either.

Anyway, here is the video that was supposed to be on the 21-month blog entry.

Soy allergy

16 Oct


I think Toby has a soy allergy. For a long time now he has had patches of dry skin on his back and tummy that seem to be impossible to get rid of. They appeared at around 7 months of age. I noticed them first just after he had the high fever for which we took him to hospital. At the time I didn’t know if the two were related, but the dry skin continued long after Toby was well again.

After a while the dry skin also started around his mouth, and seemed to flare up and go red when he ate certain things. I may be a bit slow really, and though I realized that miso soup seemed to cause it to get red and angry looking, it didn’t occur to me that he could have a soy allergy. It also flared up when he ate sushi, amongst other things.

At his 18-month checkups with both the doctor (for vaccinations) and the early childhood centre (for weight and height), I brought it up. Both told me that it was a form of dermatitis, and to put moisturizer on it. I tried that for several weeks, but to no effect.

I do the grocery shopping on Mondays, and I have found it is getting harder and harder to shop with both kids. Usually when I take them, we do the shopping and then we have sushi for lunch before heading home. The kids love it, and there are tears if we go without stopping for sushi. Both kids adore dipping their sushi in soy sauce, or just their fingers and licking their fingers. However, the last few weeks I have done the shopping without the kids, they stay home with Andrew and I can get it all done really quickly. So there has been no sushi, and for whatever reason we just haven’t had anything else with soy sauce in it lately. The dry skin on Toby’s back and front cleared up for the first time in a long, long time and there has been no red rash around his mouth.

We were out one day recently and the kids were hungry, so we got sushi for them and within minutes Toby had the red rash around his mouth again. Although I had had a niggly idea for a while that the rash was food related, the light went on that day and I did some googling. Wikipedia told me that soy allergies are common and that products containing soy protein include miso (der…why didn’t I think of that earlier?) and soy sauce. It also says that many people with a soy allergy can tolerate a small amount of the protein, with the typical dose to obtain an allergic reaction being 100 times higher than for other food allogens. This means that most sufferers don’t need to avoid small quantities of soy protein, which is good because soy is added to a huge number of foods.

So, without testing for confirmation, I have concluded that Toby is mildly allergic to soy, and I will attempt to keep him away from soy sauce, miso soup and anything else containing a high amount of soy protein in the future, and I hope that the red, angry looking rash around his mouth doesn’t return.

The Cough

15 Oct

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I had a cold while we were away, and i still have a lingering cough though it is almost gone now. Nathan was sick while we were away, but thankfully he was able to travel even though he had a terrible cough. It was worst at night, but he only had one night of fever. Andrew got a bit of a cold but he probably had the least symptoms of any of us….so far, that is.

Toby came down with it last week. He had the cough and a husky voice from about the time we got off the boat, and it got worse. He had three days of fever and was miserable and lethargic. All he wanted was to breastfeed in bed and be held by me. We tried giving him some baby pandadol to help him feel a bit better when he was at his most miserable, but it made him throw up. Andrew made another trip to the chemist (our baby panadol was out of date so he had already made a trip to get some more) for another baby analgesic that Toby might be able to keep down. He came back with a couple to try out, and although Toby was upset at being given more medicine, he was at least able to keep it down. And we now have a fridge well stocked with baby analgesic….at least until sometime in 2012 when it will expire, probably not having been touched again if past history is anything to go by. Toby shivered through his fever and it looked like he barely able to stand at the worst of it. I’m just glad he didn’t get sick like this while we were away.

But that cough! That terrible hacking, phlegmy cough that keeps Toby (and me) awake at night, and just distresses him during the day. It’s awful.

20 months old

31 Aug

Toby reading the Field Guide of Australian Birds

I am over a week late for Toby’s update! Where does the time go? Spring is on our doorstep and we have been back in Melbourne for nearly a year, yet there are friends I haven’t caught up with yet. Anyway, onto Toby’s update.

I guess one of the things that stands out from the last month is that Toby’s vocabulary continues to grow quickly, and he is making a lot more sentences now rather than just saying one word. Yes, the sentences have words missing from them, but they are sentences non-the-less. The other thing is that the toileting really seems to have clicked for Toby. He has been doing poos in the potty all year and takes himself, but getting to the potty for a wee has been hit and miss. In the last couple of weeks Toby has started taking himself to the potty for wees much more regularly, and when he has undies on (he does a lot of bare bottom time around home) he tries to get them down and sometimes he can now. Also, he has been dry at night for a few weeks now whereas prior he would have a few dry nights followed by a wet one. He wakes in the morning, has some milk and then asks for the potty since he can’t really walk well in his sleeping bag. I am considering getting a waterproof mattress protector for his mattress and giving up on night nappies completely, which would be good because they don’t fit him very well (they were made for Nathan who had much chunkier legs) and tend to chafe his thighs if he wriggles too much at night.

Counting is a big thing for Toby at the moment. He counts objects up to 4 and then loses track of where he was up to, and he will negotiate for two of something instead of just one. When I say negotiate, it is more of a demand…Toby, would you like a cherry tomato? And he says: Two! He still adores books and points to the words in a book and says ‘words’.

Toby loves walking on brick edging, brick fences, beams, rails, rows of stones….anything he can practice balancing and walking on. He holds my hand as he walks if he is elevated at all.

That’s about it for now.

Fat and skinny

22 Aug

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Both Nathan and Toby had appointments at the Early Childhood Centre, or whatever they call it here in Victoria….Maternal Health Centre or something. Anyway, Toby was there for his 18 month check, and Nathan for his 3.5 year check.

I was surprised that Nathan had an eye test done. He was given a sheet of paper with some shapes and letters on it, and the nurse put glasses on him with one eye blocked out. She asked him to look at a card she was holding, and then point to the shape/letter on his sheet. After a couple of letters, Andrew just said to the nurse that it would be easier if she just asked him what letter she had rather than pointing to it on his sheet. It made things a lot faster. The nurse told Nathan he was very clever to know his letters, and he said yes, he is very clever. Hehe.

At all these appointments the kids are weighed and measured, and I know that for 2 years or more Nathan has been on the 50th percentile (spot on average) for height, and he has been on the 90th percentile for weight. He has always looked solid, but I have never thought of him as fat. Today was the first time that anyone has calculated a BMI for him, and his was in the red part of the scale…ie too fat.

We were essentially told that we should cut down on snacks. Now I know that neither Andrew or I are great role models in the weight stakes, but I have been so conscious of this over the years that I have been really strict with what the kids eat….to the point that I think that other family members think I am over the top strict. I totally believe that the kids do not need sweet foods, and I hate it when we are out and about and people offer the kids lollies. I feel like such a meanie when I say that they can’t have them, so sometimes I relent and allow it, but this is not often. We have tried to discourage things like Easter eggs, and most have disappeared (easy when they don’t really crave these treats and are young enough to forget about them). On occasions when we might get an ice-cream, we all share a single ice-cream. Same goes for biscuits…the kids never expect an entire biscuit to themselves, we share them. I figured this was a nice way for them to have a taste without getting overdosed on things they shouldn’t eat. If we have dessert after dinner, usually it is after the kids are asleep, otherwise they are allowed a tiny sliver, but again dessert is rare in our house. In general we don’t give them fizzy drinks (never!), or prepackaged snacks, or fruit juice, or lollies or fried foods. So what do we eat? We eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and probably the killer is that the kids adore carbohydrates…pasta, bread, potato, cous cous, etc.. So is this the problem? Or is it that I put a small drizzle of honey onto their porridge in the mornings to make bland oats seem a bit nicer?

Basically, I truely believe that though we may stray occasionally, the kids have a very healthy and balanced diet (the parents need more discipline but that is another story) and eat moderate amounts os food. I never force them to finish a meal, as I believe they know best when they are full. Most of their outside meal snacks are fruit or the stealing of veggies that I am cutting up for dinner. We verbalised some of this to the nurse and she said that if it is all true then he should be a better weight, and we still need to look at what he eats and get low fat milk, cheese and yoghurt, none of which he eats much of. She suggested we might like to have an appointment with a nutricianalist.

I know that childhood obesity is a big issue in Australia, but I am so sad that all my efforts to have my kids eat a healthy diet with loads of exercise have still resulted in being told I have a fat child and I should be concerned (though the nurse admitted he looks well proportioned). Before today I had a healthy concern about their weight, but now I feel like a failure as a parent, that I could not keep Nathan from being classified as fat and being told we need to do something about it or he will pay for it in the school ground. Once again, visiting the maternity and childhood nurse has resulted in me being upset and stressed. I swore off these places years ago….I sort of think I should not have bothered going back. The only reason I did was because I wanted Nathan weighed and measured. Sheesh.

And then, of course, Toby is weighed and he is on the light end of the scale.

Cork’s Corner

My little corner of the internet