Archive for July, 2008

Water baby

28 Jul

We had our second swimming session (water appreciation/confidence) of the term today. All the other babies in the class are just starting out, whereas Nathan went to the last 5 classes of last term. The difference between the others and Nathan is amazing…..Nathan even screws up his face and shuts his eyes in preparation for being dunked now, so I no longer have to blow in his face! Sam, the instructor, says that he can’t teach Nathan any more in the class we go to, and suggested we move up to ‘crabs’ if there is a spot available. If I don’t hear from the pool then we go to the same class next week and Sam will see what other options there are. I’m just happy that Nathan seems to enjoy the water, dunking and all.

My Two Boys

28 Jul

Breast Buddy

26 Jul

Nathan has a roving arm/hand when feeding. We waves his arm around and will grab and pull my hair, push my breast away from him while keeping the nipple in his mouth, grasp handfulls of T-shirt, or breast and hold on tight scratching me in the process. This all ranges from annoying to painful. I’ve tried getting him to grasp my finger or hold a toy, but neither were successful for long.

When throwing out some old brochures from an Expo the other day I came across a flyer advertising Breast Buddies. Quite frankly, I thought that for a plastic necklace they sounded expensive. I compared prices to a similar necklace from Mothers Direct, the ABA shop, and found it was similar. Sooo, with fingers crossed that it would provide some sort of solution, I lashed out and bought one.

Nathan still pulls my hair, pinches and scratches me, but not as much as he used to. This is because the rest of the time he fiddles with the Breast Buddy. It certainly is a strong necklace, Nathan tests it out with a lot of force. Now I just have to remember to take it off before leaving the flat since I doubt it would be considered a trendy addition to my wardrobe!!

5.5 months old

25 Jul

He sleeps in his cot!!!! OK, so the photo above isn’t a sleeping baby, but I don’t have any photos of him asleep in the cot yet. The day he was exactly 5 months old I decided to try Nathan in the cot. I rocked him to sleep on my shoulder, and within minutes of falling asleep I laid him in the cot, and he stayed asleep!! He does still, occasionally, wake because of a start, but they don’t happen very often any more. So his day sleeps are now (generally) in the cot when we are home, though they are still half hour naps. At night Nathan is often fed to sleep, and we are trying to get him asleep between 8 and 9 pm (closer to 8 pm if possible). Nights start off in the hammock, and he migrates to our bed when he wakes and wants a feed, and stays for the rest of the night.

When he wakes from his sleeps, Nathan has a little chat to himself, to Andrew or I if we’re in bed with him, or he plays with his dummy or sheets. I often walk into the room after a sleep and Nathan has his hands in the air playing with his dummy.

Our big sleep issue now is that Nathan seems to need me to go to sleep, and just screams/cries when Andrew tries to get him to sleep. I only have 5 weeks left until I return to work full time and Andrew takes over, and Andrew is getting nervous about this sleep issue. We’re working on it, but so far unsuccessfully.

Getting away from sleep issues, Nathan is so very excited about food. The current recommendations are to introduce solids at around 6 months, but he has been showing signs of wanting food for a month now. So far I haven’t given him anything he can actually eat, but he loves sucking on apples and corn cobs (after I’ve eaten the corn) and is mildly interested in raw carrot.

We’ve tried giving Nathan expressed milk in a sipper cup with mixed success. The milk comes out pretty fast, I think, and so he often spits out some of the milk. If we slow it down by tipping the cup and regulating access to the milk seems to help. Nathan goes nuts when he sees the cup though…he can’t get to it fast enough!!

Nathan’s hair continues to get thinner, and it seems to me that the tiny hairs on his head are blonde. So I am not sure what colour his hair will end up. Every day finds Nathan being more and more mobile, though proper crawling is still way beyond him. I think he is pretty close to sitting on his own, though.

I am spending my spare moments making new nappies of the next size up! The boy is growing fast…most of the clothes he wears now are size 0 though he still fits 00 quite well. Last weekend we bought a couple of Bonds wondersuits size 1 to use as pyjamas since his old size 0 no longer fit over his bulky night nappy and his legs are too long for it.

I forgot to mention in the 5 month old post that Nathan’s hairy ears have gone….not his ears, the long hair that was on them when he was born. I don’t know when that happened. He does still have his gunky eye, though. Oh, I can’t believe that for my next post he will be 6 months old! Where has the time gone??






24 Jul

I admit it, I’m a Facebook pleb. I really don’t understand it, I don’t get why people bother with all the little invites….it all seems quite inane and pointless. Maybe I’m just too old, and it appeals to the kids (i.e. anyone younger than me) on some level that I just don’t see.

I got a message from someone today wanting to add me as a contact. I went to school with this person, both primary and secondary, and she lived in the same street as me. We were friendly towards each other, but not really friends as such. I haven’t seen or spoken to her in at least 20 years, and yet here was a request to add me as a friend! I find the situation quite bizarre really….I haven’t missed her over the last 20 years, never mourned that I have lost contact with her, and never expected to be in contact again. It’s kind of nice that she wanted to add me to her list of ‘friends’…I guess. But seriously, what happens now?? Does she just sit in my ‘friends’ as someone I don’t really contact but know how to contact if I ever needed to? Do we start to become friends? Do we have some contact for a while and then realise that we have nothing in common and then drop out of each other’s lives for the second time? Is there a point to any of this??? Is it just that the one with the most ‘friends’ wins??

I really don’t ‘get’ Facebook!

4 am

23 Jul

This is what Nathan should be doing right now….

Yes, 4 am is the time that Bugalugs decided was awake time thismorning. Well, I have to admit that it wasn’t entirely his fault…he woke at 4 am for a feed, and then Andrew’s phone rang. He had been expecting to do some night work and was waiting for the call to tell him that they were ready for him, but it didn’t come until 4:08. The light of the phone and the talking and moving were enough to distract Nathan so that he was now wide awake. I tried for ages to feed him back to sleep…unsuccessfully.

Oh well, I guess he’ll be ready for a nap around 6 am…only 40 minutes to go!


17 Jul

I have been putting off writing this blog for a couple of weeks now, partly because I didn’t have the energy to dwell on it and partly because there seems to be more time than with Grandma. This could simply be due to my parents being away and so updates are few and far between, and it is hard to get reliable details directly from Oma. The details I have are sketchy, but my Oma (grandmother) has cancer, and my uncle told my dad that he didn’t think Oma would see Christmas. All I know is that she is getting treatment for the cancer to try to stop it spreading.

I spoke to Oma last week on the phone. I think she cried when she told me she has cancer, and it was clear to me that she doesn’t think she’ll ever see me again. Of course that’s not true, but I haven’t decided when to travel to Melbourne to visit her yet. Or how long to stay. I just find travelling with Nathan is hard work, but I will arrange a trip soon.

5 months old

14 Jul

Another 2 weeks down and Nathan seems to be developing in leaps and bounds. He is standing (while supported) for longer periods of time, he topples over when sitting down but I don’t think it will be long before he learns to sit on his own. I sometimes put sit him in the front car seat while I adjust my sling, and he sits without flopping over. Nathan wriggles and rolls around on the change table, making putting on nappies a little difficult. He puts a lot of effort into moving around when he’s on the floor, and we have to make sure to keep an eye on him and put him back on his mat if he roams too far (since we haven’t baby proofed the flat yet).

Food…oh, he wants anything and everything that I pick up, and in particular he is so very interested in what I put in my mouth. A few days ago I was eating an apple and Nathan was pestering me about it, so I gave him half an eaten apple and he went crazy sucking on it. On the weekend I ate another apple to show Andrew how Nathan reacts to apples, and we taped it. The edited version is at the end of this post. We now sit Nathan at the dining table when we eat dinner. Sometimes he sits on my knee, but mostly now he sits on the table in his Bumbo seat with the tray attached. It won’t be long before we start putting pieces of veggies on his tray for him to try eating.

Nathan seems to be very curious about faces, and regularly touches and grabs my face, my glasses, my hair and my ears, and he does the same to Andrew (minus the glasses, of course). Talking about body parts, he seems to have discovered his feet in the last two weeks, and he regularly lies on his back and sucks his toes or sometimes even his heel. This means that socks are even harder to keep on his feet, because they are grabbed before the foot and therefore generally removed before the toe sucking, though socks on his feet don’t stop him.

We’ve also noticed that Nathan’s facial expressions are changing. He doesn’t suck his bottom lip quite so much any more, and instead he sticks his tongue out.

And finally, the last couple of weeks has seen Nathan’s hair start falling out. It’s noticeably thinner than it has been previously. It looks quite funny because a small percentage of his hairs are growing, so he has this thin whispy hair now.


Cork’s Corner

My little corner of the internet