Archive for March, 2012

Counting in the Car

23 Mar

Nathan loves counting. He loves to sit in the car and count with me to 100, or 200, or whatever. It has taken him a while to work out what comes after the numbers ending in ‘9’, like 39, 49, 59 etc. He knows them now if he stops to think about it, but after 39 he does have to think. Nathan and I take it in turns to say a number, so I try to count the odd numbers so that Nathan has to practice working out what comes after the something-nine. Today he got stuck on 30, which is odd because he’s known that one for a while. We got to 29 and he said 20 10. No Nathan, think about it, what comes after 29. All I got was silence. Nathan, what comes after 29? I ask again. I finally ask one more time. Then a little voice says “30”. Toby decided to answer the question for Nathan! 😀

Spider naming

21 Mar

We have a huntsman spider living in our letterbox. We don’t get much mail since most goes to our PO box, so it lives mostly undisturbed. This morning Nathan decided it should be called ‘Wriggly Jiggily’. Tonight the kids were watching a Daddy longlegs in the bath, and Nathan decided to call it ‘Chugoo’ where the ‘u’ is said like ‘oo’ as in ‘book’. Nathan wanted to tell the spider it’s name, so he leaned over the bath and spoke loudly to the spider ” long legs daddy spider, you’re Chugoo!”.

Public transport tickets

10 Mar

A few months ago I asked at the ticket office to find out at what age you had to start paying for kids. I was told 4-years-old. So, when the kids and I went to the zoo yesterday by train and tram, I bought Nathan a 2-hour concession ticket to tide us over until I could sort out a MyKi card for him.

I went to the MyKi office at Flinders Street Station, stood in line for 15 minutes with two crazy kids, but I still had enough time to study a sign telling me that kids 3 and under were free on public transport, and kids under 17 could purchase a concession ticket as long as they had a concession card….primary concession, secondary concession or tertiary concession. You were not entitled to buy a concession ticket without one of these cards. Hmmmm…..seemed to me that technically I was supposed to have bought Nathan a full price ticket that morning.

When I got to ask about the MyKi card, the person In the ticket booth just waved away my question and told me not to worry about a ticket for him. I said that he had turned 4 already, and was basically told not to worry about tickets until he is 4.5…..or so. So we went back to all of us using the one ticket for the trip home. I do wonder what would happen if a ticket inspector asked to check tickets…..and asked me how old Nathan is. He happily tells everyone he is 4-years-old……

Cork’s Corner

My little corner of the internet