Archive for the ‘Development’ Category

15 months old

21 Mar


Toby is just getting better and better at things. His communication is getting better, with more recognizable sounds coming out of his mouth now. He tries to say phrases that we say a lot too, like “up in the air I fly” and “there you are”. He is also getting more and more definite about what he wants, and if he doesn’t get it then he certainly let’s us know about it! And he is getting better at running, though it is the typical ungainly looking toddler gait. He just wants to be able to keep up with his brother.

Toby has a real love of books, though he doesn’t often sit through an entire book before he goes off to find another one for us to read. And he is going really well with EC now. He seems to have got the hang of it and is now dry most of the time.

14 months old

26 Feb


Somehow Toby turning 14 months old just crept up and went past without me realising. So the little boy is now 14 months old, and with the exception of when he was sick with a cold last week, he is starting to sleep better at night. That is, he wakes fewer times. I think he only woke twice last night in the 12 hours he was in bed, though it may have been 3 times. Either way, it is a lot less than was the norm until now.

Toby does a lot of talking in his own language. He chatters away to himself, and us, and will tell Nathan off, but very few of the words are recognisable to me. He also sings in the car!

One of the main things I have noticed this last month is that Toby will do big, deliberate nods of the head in response to questions we ask him. As an example, “Toby, do you want some cantaloupe?” Big slow head nod. He can also now sit on the potty on his own, and has taken himself to the potty to use it several times now. He is also dry at night most of the time now.

Toby is now able to climb up onto the beds without help, which is where he and Nathan love to play. He also can walk quite a distance, though it is slow going because he gets sidetracked soooo easily. He walked home from the train station a few weeks ago. It took us at least half an hour, instead of the normal ten minutes, but he walked the entire way.

The boy also doesn’t like wearing hats.

Nathan at 3

19 Feb

Before I forget what Nathan is like when he turned three, I feel the need to write down where he is at in terms of development.

Nathan knows his alphabet, though he forgets U and V when he sings the alphabet. He is only just starting to remember them. He knows most of the sounds that go with the letters, and a few sounds that go with combinations of letters. This means at we can sound out many words, though he doesn’t manage to link the sounds with the actual word yet. I think that the words that he does know/recognize are memorized. He will spell out the words he knows before saying the word. M Y my. N A T H A N Nathan. S T O P stop. He now says the ‘f’ sound

Nathan recognizes easily numbers up to 12. He loves doing dot-to-dots that go to number 35, so he is starting to recognize higher numbers as well. He does simple addition and subtraction, particularly well with numbers below five.

Nathan now generally runs like an older child and not like a toddler….he clenched his fists and runs with elbows bent rather than hands open and arms straight. He is getting the hang of catching, though you still have to throw a ball directly to him. Throwing, though, is another matter. He loves throwing and can do it quite well now. He can jump over things and can jump forwards rather than on the spot.

Nathan continues to favour his left hand when drawing, so I think he is taking after me and is turning out to be a lefty. He loves drawing and painting, cutting and glueing. He is able to cut roughly along a line now so he is able to cut out a picture from a magazine. He still doesn’t watch TV, but he does get a little bit of screen-time on the computer or iPad. He has watched the occasional documentary on the iPad, loves TuxPaint (computer drawing programme) and does a few educational things on the iPad.

Mostly Nathan is an absolute joy to be around, though there are times when he tries to hurt his brother, and times when he wants something he can’t have and then he has meltdowns. in reality these meltdowns aren’t so bad, but they do happen. He also has a habit of wanting something because Toby has it and will do something immediately after we have just told Toby not to do it. Still, the two boys generally have a ball together and seem to talk to each other in Toby-ese.

As far as toileting goes, Nathan is very reliable at going to the toilet when he needs to. He loves standing to wee, something I have been letting him practice outside to the detriment of our violets, but i haven’t been brave enough to encourage the standing wee inside the house yet. Occasionally, though, he will wet his pants when he is distracted or busy doing something. I don’t recall the last time he wet his bed.

The things that I can think of right now that Nathan loves are rubbish trucks, concrete mixers, trains, trams (particularly the brown one…the tourist tram), the zoo, dugongs (a legacy of going to the Sydney Aquarium regularly), cranes, parks, playing in sand, cooking, acting at being an adult including caring for his baby (Teddy) and pretending to go to work, sweeping, vacuuming, sewing, playing doctor, playing with cars and trains and his tool bench, riding his bike, swimming, pretending to go to Mars or the moon in a rocket, and basically helping out anywhere he possibly can.

The business of being 3

13 Feb

There are two things that have changed Nathan’s world lately. The first is that he is now three years old, and the second is that he has a watch.

“three year olds with watches can put their shoes on their right feet” (previously he delighted in wearing his shoes on the wrong feet)

“three year olds with watches can wear their hats the wrong way around”

“the three year old will help”

“I can do this now because I am three”

“three-year-olds can do this”


06 Feb

Nathan has been able to recognize all the letters of the alphabet for a long time now. The last couple of months we have been teaching him the sounds that each letter makes, and some simple letter combinations as well, like ‘sh’, ‘ar’ and ‘oy’. We spell our simple words and then sound them out, and I think he is slowly getting the hang of sounding out the words. Some words he knows how to spell just from the repetition of spelling them regularly. He can spell ‘Nathan’, ‘Daddy’, ‘Toby’ and ‘stop’. Stop is mostly because of the book ‘Hop on Pop’ where it goes ‘STOP, you must not hop on pop’.

Tonight we went to a Vietnamese restaurant for dinner. On the way I asked Nathan if he wanted to have Vietnamese soup for dinner, which he was quite excited about. We chose a restaurant, sat down at a table and looked at our menus. Nathan pointed to one of the soups and told us he wanted that one. I asked him what it was and he told me it was soup. I asked him how he knew it was soup….he pointed to the last word of the menu item (the menu item was something like beef and noodle soup) and slowly spelled out the word ‘soup’.

Tonight, just before he went to sleep, I asked Nathan if he could spell ‘soup’, and he did. So I’m pretty sure that he really can read the word. It has blown me away, as I don’t think that soup is a word that we have spelled out much, if at all. What else can the boy read that I am unaware of?

13 months old

23 Jan


Toby is now 13 months old, and somehow that fact hadn’t registered with me until today. I am going to try to keep his monthly updates going during his second year. Unfortunately I didn’t manage to keep to his updates going regularly towards the end of his first year. That was partly due to lack of time while moving interstate, and partly because I rarely spend time on a normal computer these days, and the WordPress app for the iPad was regularly broken towards the end of last year and also the start of this year.

Anyway, on to Toby. He has become a really confident walker in the last month. He is quite speedy as well, though obviously not yet able to keep up with Nathan, which is what he really wants to do. We do laugh at how he turns around, though…he pivots on one foot. Toby is a real little climber too, though he is still unable to get up onto a bed or couch without a step or a heave from behind by Nathan.

Toby is really helpful around the house now. He is more than happy to help unload the dishwasher and put things away, put things in the rubbish bin, take things to Daddy or Nathan, and do other miscellaneous things that we ask of him. He also loves doing things we tell him not to, like not moving dirt out of the garden, not picking things out of the garden, etc.

Toby also now has a real sense of wanting what Nathan has (Nathan got some sultanas to eat, where are mine?) and although he doesn’t have many words yet, he is still very adept at letting us know what he wants.

We have packed up the baby hammock and have made a bed for Toby on the floor of our bedroom out of our cot mattress, blankets and pillows. He just wasn’t happy in the hammock any more.

Things Toby loves doing are: eating chalk and crayons, drawing, playing with kitchen utensils, climbing, jumping practice, running after Nathan, cuddling and kissing and climbing all over Nathan, watching ants and spiders, playing with animal figurines, relocating things, putting things in boxes and pulling things out of boxes, eating fruit but in particular watermelon and cantaloupe and blue berries, playing in dirt, and just generally being involved in what everyone else is doing.

Toby is 1!

21 Dec

I wasn’t always sure he would make it to his first birthday due to his big brother’s inability to be gentle at times. Toby was sat on, held in an upright position by the head and then dropped, squeezed around the neck (Nathan’s version of cuddles) and I’m sure the list goes on, I just can’t think of all the “Nathan STOP” heart-in-the-throat-type moments of Toby’s early days.

Now Toby walks, though he still crawls a lot and his walking is a bit on the wobbly side, is a bit of an explorer and is quite happy to roam quite a distance from Mummy or Daddy. He totally adores his brother and tries to follow him everywhere and giggles his head off at Nathan’s antics. He hates the shower but loves the bath and simply playing in any water he can find. He loves eating melon of any kind and gets very excited when he sees any, but he’ll have a go at any food.

Toby had six teeth for a very long time. I kept checking his mouth, wondering when the next one was going to come through. It seems that many of them decided to come through almost at once. About 3 weeks ago I noticed that he was getting two more teeth to make it four on both top and bottom, then a week later and just as the 8th tooth was coming through I saw that one of his molars was starting to come through the gum, then before it was through three more molars made an appearance, and they aren’t all through yet and it looks like his eye teeth are about to crack through the gum. There is certainly a lot of activity happening in Toby’s gums at the moment.

EC is certainly going a bit more slowly this time round, mostly due to not having enough time to focus on it as much as we did when Nathan was a baby, but it is still going well. The majority of poos end up in the potty, we catch several wees every day, and we are getting lots of dry nappies at night.

And finally, just so I can remember if I ever want to for some reason, Toby generally wakes around 6 am, has a nap around 9 and another one at around 2 pm, and goes to bed at 7:30ish pm. The times are all a bit rubbery depending on how well he sleeps both at night and during the day, but there is definitely a bit of a routine thing happening.

Happy birthday little man, your Daddy and I love you.


01 Dec

Toby has been taking small, single steps for over a month now. He would take a small step with one foot and then sort of shuffle the other foot forward as well. That was about all he could manage for what seemed like a long time. Then he went for a week without us observing any steps at all. Then, suddenly, he started taking multiple steps. Each one is very careful and small, but he is now doing more and more walking every day. The following video was taken 4 days ago because he was taking multiple steps, and he has improved his walking a lot since then.

Well, the video isn’t working right now so I’ll have to try to fix it later. It can also be found here.

9 months old

24 Sep

Toby has been practicing his standing the last couple of weeks so much that he is now much steadier and wobbles less while standing. He reminds me of a little meerkat in the way he pops up and looks around, grinning because he is so pleased with himself.

Toby is loving his food as much as his brother did at the same age. He just loves it all, and gets really cranky if someone is eating something that he isn’t. He sits really well in the high-chair, and is dropping less food as time goes on. I guess more is going into his mouth.

Toby is now pointing at things and making a noise that sounds like he is saying “this”, though it sounds more like “dissss” with a bit of a lisp. He also sounds like he says ‘Nathan’ in the same way that Nathan would say his name when he was little…sort of a ‘neh nen’ sound.

Andrew has been spending more time with Toby which is great. Andrew had been saying that Toby didn’t like being with him, but now he is happy to be held and carried by Daddy. I guess that he is at the age when separation anxiety from Mummy is high.

8.5 months old

11 Sep

Toby is just getting stronger and stronger at standing. He quite happily hangs onto his support with just one hand, and occasionally let’s go and balances for a second before either holding on again or sitting down. He is trying to take steps, and would love to climb. He tries to get his right leg up onto whatever he is holding onto, but so far all his supports are too high (couch, big plant pots, chairs, etc) to climb onto. He does love hanging onto the washing basket and pulling all the wet washing out of it, one piece at a time.   Toby also balances in a squat position, and tries to stand up. He always overbalances, because he does this without hanging onto anything.

Toby is very talkative and chats away happily to toys and us. Nathan desperately wants Toby to be able to play with him, and spends a lot of time tickling Toby to make him giggle. Unfortunately, though, Nathan isn’t always gentle with his play, and Toby often complains loudly/cries when Nathan sits on him, picks him up, drags him, rolls him over, or simply pushes him over while he is sitting. When sitting, Toby topples over like a skittle when pushed. Toby does quite a lot of biting these days, and now Nathan has decided that biting is fun and bites Toby on his fingers, head, back and front.

Toby seems to be starting to get interested in books. He still likes chewing on them, but he is starting to turn the pages on the board books. We haven’t spent anywhere near the amount of time reading to Toby as we did to Nathan, but hopefully he will still learn to love reading.

Finally, Toby loves getting outside, and the first thing he heads for is a couple of big tubs that have herbs plants in them. He picks the plants (not helped by Nathan pulling entire plants up by the roots) so that there aren’t many left alive, and so the potting mix is left to pay with and eat. Toby takes handfuls of the potting mix and either drops it onto the ground, or transfers it to a pot next to the tub. That is, of course, when he isn’t eating it. Nathan has been digging holes in the potting mix, and helping Toby to relocate it. We sooooooo need a sand pit!

Cork’s Corner

My little corner of the internet