Archive for the ‘Development’ Category

8 months old

21 Aug

Life has been so busy lately that I just never got around to doing Toby’s 7.5 month blog. The last month seems to have flown by, with Andrew and I trying to decide if we should move the family to Melbourne or not. There are advantages and disadvantages of such a move, and I always find it hard to weigh such things up when there are quite a few of each and they are so different.

The last month has seen a lot of changes in Toby. Although he has been able to pull himself to standing for a while now, he does it all the time now. His crawling is very fast too, so you turn around and find him standing up holding onto something and grinning at you, obviously feeling very pleased with himself.

Toby is a very talkative little thing too. He chats in his own language, and Nathan will often mimic him and chat back. We have lovely little discussions made up of word-type noises. For some reason, he is more vocal in the afternoon and evening.

Toby is still loving his food, and is getting the hang of eating. Possibly his 6 teeth help. He is better at hanging onto his food too, so less falls off before he manages to get it to his mouth.

We have been really part time with the pottying, and Toby certainly doesn’t have anywhere near the hang of it that Nathan had at the same age. We catch wees after sleeps but only occasionally those in-between, and I only catch about 20% of poos which disappoints me a bit since my expectations after Nathan were a lot higher.

We feel that we don’t read him enough books and is certainly getting nowhere near the number of books being read to him that Nathan had at the same age. Part of that is because Toby chews on books and that is hard to control when there is a 2.5-year-old wriggling around and trying to look at the book as well. Part is also because we run out of time, and our preferred regular time for reading (first thing in the morning, in bed) doesn’t work when everyone wakes up at different times.

7 months old

21 Jul

Toby has become quite a proficient crawler, and perhaps he aspires to be a mountain climber.  He crawls over big bulky things like the vacuum cleaner and wicker baskets.  Sometimes he get’s stuck and makes it well known that he needs help, but mostly he manages just fine.  He loves standing and will use anything above ground level to hang onto during his standing practice.  The vacuum cleaner is useful for this too, though the couch is even more interesting, with a laptop computer to be often found there.  What is it with kids being attracted to technology?

Meal times are very messy.  Toby drops so much food on the floor…it drops into his lap and then goes through the leg holes and onto the floor.  I try to use towels to pad the holes but the food still manages to find a way down.  The unfortunate side effect of eating more and more food is that Toby has been having problems with his poo being too hard.  Nathan suffered from hard poos for along time after starting on solids, and it does look like Toby is having similar issues, though perhaps not quite to the same extent.

Toby now has three teeth, with the fourth looking like it is not far away.

EC is still going well, though at best we are part time with it.  Almost all poos go into the toilet (poos in the nappy are very very small, as if he starts and doesn’t like doing them in his nappy and stops until I notice and put him on the potty), and we do catch quite a few wees, though it’s always easier to catch the ones after naps than others throughout the day.  We aren’t doing much at night, and the dry nappies at night are now a thing long past.

6.5 months old

08 Jul

Toby can sit on his own now.  It’s a funny, lopsided sort of position but he has both feet in front of him. His crawling is just getting stronger and faster every day, and he seemed very pleased with himself a few days ago when he reached the kitchen for the first time. He still finds every scrap of paper on the floor, but he also gravitates to shoes that are great for chewing on, or so he thinks. It’s funny how Toby is doing all the same things that Nathan did at around the same age, but I forget about them until Toby starts doing it. I’d forgotten that Nathan also had a shoe fetish.  🙂

6 months old (and a little bit)

29 Jun

Toby is now 6 months and one week old.  We were away last week and didn’t get around to updating my blog.  Then I couldn’t log in and Andrew had to fix that problem.  So now I can finally get here I’d better get my blog updated!

Toby can now crawl properly!  That started on Saturday, so he was 6 months and 5 days old.  He’s slow, but he’s doing all the right moves with his arms and legs.  And yesterday I noticed that his second tooth has made an appearance.

At his 6 month appointment with the GP for his vaccinations, Toby was 7 kg (fully clothed)  and 64 cm long.  That’s pretty much the same as Nathan when he was 6 months old.

Our days are usually spent out in the mornings.  We go to an AP (attachment parenting) playgroup at Sydney Park on Monday mornings where we meet up with some very lovely mothers (and one father) and their kids.   Tuesdays and Wednesdays we are free to do whatever we feel like.  Often we go grocery shopping, or we might end up at the Magic Yellow Bus for some outdoor activities.  Thursday we have swimming and Fridays we often catch up with some women and kids from our old mother’s group…at a park (weather permitting).  Afternoons we go for walks/bike rides or stay home and do things around the flat, and cook dinner.

Toby tends to sleep on my back during the day, so he gets worn a lot in the mei tai and he just falls asleep when he needs to.  He generally has 2 to 3 naps throughout the day, and sleeps at night from 7 pm to around 8 am. When I say ‘sleeps’, I mean he wants to be asleep.  He does, however, wake what feels like a million times during those 13 hours.

I read my blog entry for Nathan when he was 6 months old, and I focused a lot on getting him to sleep in a cot because I went back to work when he was 6.5 months old.  I remember all the stress I felt trying to express milk and get a stash in the freezer, and get Nathan to sleep without feeding him.  It really is bliss knowing that I don’t have to worry about that this time round and can continue doing what is easiest.  To be honest,  I’m enjoying spending my days with my two little boys without worrying about returning to work just yet.

The Incredible Book Eating Boy….the perfect title for my little boy too!  He loves munching on books.


Nathan and Toby gazing down on the City of Sydney scale model

Toby exploring Mummy’s face

Two boys and a bear asleep

5.5 months old

08 Jun

Food….I want it!!!  Toby is always so desperate to reach any food or drink that we eat.  He reaches for it, having no fear of hot foods, often making me worry about him burning himself.  So far there have been no food related injuries.  Toby’s tasted lots of things so far. He enjoyes sucking an apple after I’ve taken a bite, sucking on corn cobs after I’ve eaten the corn off them, sucking on various cooked and/or ucooked fruit and vegetables like carrots, celery, cucumber, and sucking on chicken and chicken bones.  He gets very excited by spoons that have been dipped into soups as well.

It is paper, though, that is akin to baby crack.  Toby manages to hunt down any scrap of paper on the floor (and there are plenty since cutting and tearing is one of Nathan’s favourite past times at the moment).   Rolling onto the Saturday paper that was left on the floor is heaven for Toby!  He reaches out, scrunches the paper in his hands and then shoves it into his mouth, along with all the appropriate appreciative noises.

Proper crawling is still rather elusive, though Toby’s arms are now strong enough that he can support himself on hands and knees while reaching for  toy…or paper… i.e. one hand supporting him. If he wants to move forewards he sort of pushes off his elbows with a little bunny-hop from his legs.  Otherwise, motion is still mostly backwards.

Today I noticed Toby’s first tooth has made an appearance!

5 months old

21 May

My little boy is 5 months old already!!  And he is essentially crawling….not a solid crawl that an older baby would do, but he gets up onto his hands and knees and tries hard to coordinate his arms and legs.  He moves his legs and it pushes him over so that he face-plants the floor.  He often goes backwards, but does also go forwards, but whatever the direction he can well and truely move.

This video was also taken recently and it always makes me laugh at his facial expressions.

Toby still isn’t particularly happy when in the car, particularly in the afternoons at any time of day (I realised today, after a particularly bad car trip, that it’s been a while since he’s been happy in the car in the morning).  His cradle cap seems to be disappearing slowly, not that it was ever very bad.  He has also been in the pool a couple of times now and he seems to like it.

Toby shows a lot of interest in our water bottles and food, so I have given him a couple of sticks of steamed (but still firm) carrot to suck on, and also a corn cob after I had eaten off the corn.  He loves sucking on them, but his coordination isn’t great and he keeps dropping them.

2.25 years old

12 May

Nathan is still going to his swimming class on Thursdays.  This year he has moved from the parents and babies class to the ‘parents and babies advanced’  class, but on his second birthday it was advised that we put his name down for the ‘crabette’ class. This one is designed to help wean the kids off having their parents in the water with them before moving onto the ‘crab’ group.  He can’t move to ‘crab’ until he is 3 years old though.  The crabette class certainly suits Nathan’s swimming skills better than the previous class, but I’m not sure if it suits him emotionally.  He never wants to get into the water with the instructor and clings to Andrew or I and cries when we pry him loose.  He does seem ok after the class starts, though.

Nathan still adores the balance bike that he got for his birthday, and it hasn’t taken long at all for him to be confident and fast, and be able to coast a reasonable distance  on it.  There have been a few times when Nathan hasn’t listened to me and stopped when I’ve asked him to, and he gets very upset when the bike is confiscated, which means that Nathan is now usually pretty good at following instructions while riding near roads.  We took him once to the area of Sydney Park which is like a little road training area complete with traffic lights, though I don’t think he really understood what it was about.

Nathan’s language skills continue to improve.  He now says ‘Nasan’ now instead of ‘Neh nan’ which is much more understandable when people ask him his name.  We have great conversations together now that he talks in sentences all the time.  He knows all his letters, though he recognises capital letters more reliably than lowercase, and loves playing his word puzzle where you find the letters to go with the picture.

Talking about puzzles, he adores a 50-piece puzzle of the solar system and points out and names the planets, international space station, sputnik, Hubble telescope, Mars rover, Eagle lander on the moon.  Pluto is a small brown rock that is crying because he is no longer a planet and there is even space junk in the form of a washing machine.  Nathan does the puzzle with just verbal help and a bit of pointing from Andrew or I.

We got Nathan his first Roald Dahl book recently (Fantastic Mr. Fox) which he adores, so we bought the entire 15-book collection.  Some will be too old for him just yet, but so far we’ve also read The Twits and The Magic Finger.  We started the BFG but I don’t think it is holding his attention.

I feel like I have been fighting Nathan over the issue of sleep for 2 years, and I’ve finally decided to give up on the idea of having a sleep routine.  If he’s not asleep after 30  minutes of effort (driving or walking in the pram), starting around midday or soon after, then he doesn’t get a day sleep.  Invariably he’ll be wanting a nap at 4 or 5 pm, but I make sure he stays awake until 6:30 pm because otherwise I doubt he’d go back to sleep at night before midnight.  I feel mean when that happens, but I have to make sure I get some sleep myself.  Still, he goes to sleep incredibly quickly and easily on these days…just a few minutes of breastfeeding or even just reading a book will send him to sleep.  This happens 2 or 3 times a week at the moment.  When he does have a day sleep then I don’t bother trying to get him to sleep before 9 or 10 pm, depending on what time he woke up, but even then it takes ages for him to go to sleep with effort from one or both of Andrew and I.

Jumping has become a very big thing since he turned 2.

The boy certainly is a climber


We got Nathan an Ikea table and chairs which are ideal for tea parties with teddies

Trains are very popular at the moment

Waiting for Daddy takes on a new dimension now that Nathan has company

Easter was an exciting time this year

The solar system puzzle is a favourite

I love this photo of Nathan taking a photo of Toby with his wooden camera

Stacking toilet paper rolls is a lot of fun

Learning about weights by weighing his animals

Newest addition to our library

Driving a fire engine on their open day

4.5 months old

03 May

Toby is such a smiley little thing.

4 months old

24 Apr

Toby now happily spends time on the floor by himself.  He creeps to a toy he might want, does 360 degree turns and generally looks pleased with himself when he moves somewhere.  The problem with giving Toby time on the floor is that Nathan generally wants to be a part of it and practically smothers Toby as he gives him cuddles.  Though I spend a lot of floor cuddle time telling Nathan “don’t put your fingers in Toby’s mouth” or “don’t lie on Toby” or “don’t put that on Toby’s head” or “don’t pick up Toby”, etc.  I always think it’s unfortunate that at a time that Nathan is showing some affection that there are so many don’ts  being thrown at him. Still, even though Nathan does a lot of things that could potentially harm Toby, Toby is always grinning his head off in the photos where Nathan is in the vicinity.

Elimination communication seems to be going well, though we are not doing it full time by any means.  Still, most mornings Toby wakes up dry even though he feeds half the night, I often catch a lot of wees during the day, and all poos for the last 2 weeks have been caught as well (though there have only been three of them).

Of all the toys that Toby has, he adores the squisher and is very vocal when he plays with it, just like his brother was at the same age!  He also loves playing with a toy that we hang off his baby capsule and that keeps him amused during car trips.

I have now had quite a bit of practice at wrapping Toby on my back, and am now quite confident doing it.  I recently also tried him on my back with the Mai Tai and that worked a treat as well.

And finally, Toby had his 4 months vaccinations a week ago.  They didn’t seem to bother him as much as the first ones…he still cried but was easily comforted this time.

Toby playing with the squisher

Toby in the car capsule with his toy

Nathan reading Toby a book

3.5 months old

08 Apr


We have recently returned from a week camping in the Snowy Mountains.  The above photo was taken on the way down, on one of our stops to feed Toby.  The drive went quite smoothly because Toby slept a lot of the trip.  Every time he woke up and cried, we’d take a little break from driving and feed Toby, and then he seemed happy enough to be put back into his carseat.  Yes, he did a little bit of crying, but not much.  I was totally amazed that it only took us about 8 hours to get to our campsite.

The return trip, however, was the absolute opposite and reminded me of the horrors of driving when Nathan was a baby.  We decided to drive home over two days, since we weren’t sure how long it would take to pack up our tent site in the morning.  I’m glad that we decided to do this, as there was no way we would have made it back to Sydney in one day after leaving at midday.  Toby just wasn’t happy in the car at all for the entire trip.  He rarely slept and just cried and cried and cried.  We made loads of stops to get him out of the car seat and try to get him to sleep, but even when we did get him to sleep and back into his seat, he didn’t sleep for long.   Consequently, it took us an incredibly long time to get home…I think it took about 5 hours to get to Canberra, and it was 6 hours from Canberra to Sydney.

The camping was great and our new tent was spacious and easy to look after two small children in it, so I was looking forward to going camping again sometime soon.  But….I’m not sure I am game enough to go for another long drive with Toby any time soon.

Cork’s Corner

My little corner of the internet