8 months old

21 Aug

Life has been so busy lately that I just never got around to doing Toby’s 7.5 month blog. The last month seems to have flown by, with Andrew and I trying to decide if we should move the family to Melbourne or not. There are advantages and disadvantages of such a move, and I always find it hard to weigh such things up when there are quite a few of each and they are so different.

The last month has seen a lot of changes in Toby. Although he has been able to pull himself to standing for a while now, he does it all the time now. His crawling is very fast too, so you turn around and find him standing up holding onto something and grinning at you, obviously feeling very pleased with himself.

Toby is a very talkative little thing too. He chats in his own language, and Nathan will often mimic him and chat back. We have lovely little discussions made up of word-type noises. For some reason, he is more vocal in the afternoon and evening.

Toby is still loving his food, and is getting the hang of eating. Possibly his 6 teeth help. He is better at hanging onto his food too, so less falls off before he manages to get it to his mouth.

We have been really part time with the pottying, and Toby certainly doesn’t have anywhere near the hang of it that Nathan had at the same age. We catch wees after sleeps but only occasionally those in-between, and I only catch about 20% of poos which disappoints me a bit since my expectations after Nathan were a lot higher.

We feel that we don’t read him enough books and is certainly getting nowhere near the number of books being read to him that Nathan had at the same age. Part of that is because Toby chews on books and that is hard to control when there is a 2.5-year-old wriggling around and trying to look at the book as well. Part is also because we run out of time, and our preferred regular time for reading (first thing in the morning, in bed) doesn’t work when everyone wakes up at different times.

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