20 months old

31 Aug

Toby reading the Field Guide of Australian Birds

I am over a week late for Toby’s update! Where does the time go? Spring is on our doorstep and we have been back in Melbourne for nearly a year, yet there are friends I haven’t caught up with yet. Anyway, onto Toby’s update.

I guess one of the things that stands out from the last month is that Toby’s vocabulary continues to grow quickly, and he is making a lot more sentences now rather than just saying one word. Yes, the sentences have words missing from them, but they are sentences non-the-less. The other thing is that the toileting really seems to have clicked for Toby. He has been doing poos in the potty all year and takes himself, but getting to the potty for a wee has been hit and miss. In the last couple of weeks Toby has started taking himself to the potty for wees much more regularly, and when he has undies on (he does a lot of bare bottom time around home) he tries to get them down and sometimes he can now. Also, he has been dry at night for a few weeks now whereas prior he would have a few dry nights followed by a wet one. He wakes in the morning, has some milk and then asks for the potty since he can’t really walk well in his sleeping bag. I am considering getting a waterproof mattress protector for his mattress and giving up on night nappies completely, which would be good because they don’t fit him very well (they were made for Nathan who had much chunkier legs) and tend to chafe his thighs if he wriggles too much at night.

Counting is a big thing for Toby at the moment. He counts objects up to 4 and then loses track of where he was up to, and he will negotiate for two of something instead of just one. When I say negotiate, it is more of a demand…Toby, would you like a cherry tomato? And he says: Two! He still adores books and points to the words in a book and says ‘words’.

Toby loves walking on brick edging, brick fences, beams, rails, rows of stones….anything he can practice balancing and walking on. He holds my hand as he walks if he is elevated at all.

That’s about it for now.

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