16 months old

21 Apr


Toby is making more recognisable word sounds, though still very little is understandable. He says words like Mummy, Daddy, jump, duck and car. He is very strong willed, knowing exactly what he wants and let’s us all know if he isn’t getting it. He is pretty good, though, at communicating with us to let us know what it is that he wants, even if he isn’t very verbal yet. He also tries very hard to do things like putting socks and shoes on, not wanting us to help even though he isn’t able to do it himself yet.

There are more fights between Nathan and Toby these days, with both kids wanting the same things at the same time. Toby has started biting and hitting, all of us but Nathan cops the worst bites because he can’t recognize when it is about to happen and therefore cannot try to avoid the bite like Andrew and I can. Nathan, in return has started pushing and even biting when he gets angry with Toby. Mostly we have a calm house, but there are moments…..

All in all, Toby is at a really delightful age, and we have a lot of fun with him.

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