17 months old

25 May


Toby is using more and more words, and has a really pleased look on his face when we understand him. He uses the word ‘stuck’ on it’s own, or calls out ‘Mummy stuck’ to let me know he needs help. It happens most when trying to get in the back door and the wire door closes on his leg.

Toby is sleeping 11 – 12 hours at night (he still wakes a lot) and 45 minutes to an hour and a half during the day. His day nap has been slowly moving from 10:30 am and is now generally around midday.

Toby seems to be becoming less destructive in general, and trying more to manipulate tools instead. His is much more aware of the things he wants, and will hold something and repeat “mine” if he thinks that Nathan is going to take it away from him…which is generally what happens anyway.

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