Archive for the ‘Toby’s second year’ Category


30 Jul

Last week, on Wednesday night, Toby slept for 5 hours without waking. That was the longest he has slept for a really, really long time. He used to sleep 5 or 6 hours when he was a newborn, but that hasn’t happened since he was 3 months old. As I said, until last week.

Normally Toby will sleep for 3 hours after getting him to sleep at night, and after he wakes the first time he sometimes wakes only two more times in the night, though mostly it is a lot more than that. I stopped counting a long time ago. When I say that he wakes, I don’t know that he totally wakes up, but he wriggles and calls out for me and wants milk, and if I don’t respond quickly then he wakes up properly and it is always harder to get him back to sleep from that state. Occasionally he continues to wriggle and then I put him on the potty, but mostly he settles down though he can suck for a very long time. Needless to say, I feel like I’ve been quite sleep deprived for a long, long time.

I hope that I am not jinxing the sleep situation here by writing about it, but Toby slept for 8 hours last night. Yes, that was EIGHT lovely hours. I wonder how long it will be be before that happens again. 🙂

19 months old

30 Jul

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Photo taken by Steph.

I’m already over a week late with Toby’s monthly update, but there isn’t really much to mention besides his rapidly expanding vocabulary. I am totally amazed at how many more words he has, and how much more understandable he is, from just a month ago.

I am really enjoying his language exploration. I remember Nathan doing pretty much the same things, so it is sort of a trip down memory lane as well. When we walk places, for example, Toby will walk for a bit and then say ‘stop’ and simultaneously stop walking. He will wait for a bit, then say ‘go’ and start walking again. Often he waits for me to stop walking as well when he stops. I had forgotten that Nathan used to do exactly the same thing.

Knitting Trials

27 Jun

We rode our bikes to the shops, checked the PO box for mail and there was a much anticipated parcel from Oma. Toby held onto it all the way home while sitting in his bike seat since the parcel didn’t fit in Nathan’s backpack. We weren’t even in the door before the parcel was ripped into and Nathan pulled out his new jumper….except, just like the beanie I had knitted him, I knew from one look it would be too small. Nathan tried it on anyway, just to make sure. Lesson learned: fitting measurements are difficult to sort out over the phone.

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The verdict was that Toby scored himself a new jumper.

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Nathan now has a beanie that fits him, and Oma has started on a Nathan sized jumper.

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Everyone was happy. Well, probably except Oma who now has to knit a second jumper when she had anticipated just one. 🙂

18 months old

21 Jun


Toby is now 18 months old. My baby isn’t much of a baby any more! He is turning into a very independent little boy. He is quite happy to explore both new and familiar places on his own, and he knows what he wants with enough words to make his wishes understood most of the time. He stands up to Nathan now when Nathan wants to take what Toby has, and certainly makes his wants known with a combination of words, pointing and crying (when we don’t understand or he doesn’t get his way).

Toby has many more words at 18 months old than I imagined he would a few months ago. I did a word list for Nathan when he was 18 months old, and I decided to do the same for Toby. The words are those he uses spontaneously and not those he tries to copy when someone else is talking. The problem is that every day he comes out with more words, and I never remember them all. I would say that Toby’s list isn’t as comprehensive as Nathan’s was. Toby is also putting words together into two and three word sentences.

Colours and number recognition are also coming along. When we count from one to ten, Toby says the first two numbers, and if we stop at the number nine then he will finish with an excited “TEN”!

Elimination communication is going really well now. Although Toby has been doing poos on the potty for quite a while now, catching his wee in the potty has been more difficult. The last few weeks has seen what seems to be a huge breakthrough in that he is more often dry than wet now. He is able to sit on the potty by himself if he has a bare bottom, and will occasionally on his own initiative for wees and more often if we suggest that he sit on the potty. He is able to answer us when we ask if he needs the toilet, and even tells us that he needs it sometimes. We still get quite a few wet training pants during the day, a few wet nappies at night though he is generally dry, but we definitely catch more wee than we miss and some days he is completely dry.

Toby loves playing with the animal figurines, loves books though he still doesn’t have the attention span to sit through an entire picture book (generally), loves playing with the saucepans and kitchen utensils, and is desperate to ride the balance bike. He is an absolute delight to be around.


Word map made using (cc license with reference)

Animal talk

20 Jun

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Daddy (holding toy cow out) asks Toby what it is. “Moo” is Toby’s response. Then Daddy holds out the horse. “Neigh neigh” says Toby. The toy tiger is next. “Roar” says Toby. Then Daddy holds the giraffe, and Toby says “long neck”.

A few random photos

10 Jun

Here is a little snapshot of a few things we have been doing lately.

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Toby modeling his new t-shirt while riding tiger. It is the most expensive fabric I have ever bought, but oh so cute!

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I try to do something special with Nathan when Toby has his day sleep. We generally have just over an hour together, just Nathan and me. We sometimes play Snap, Dominoes or UNO, do puzzles, cook something of Nathan’s choice (cooking is turning out to be a great way to learn fractions and larger numbers, those in the hundreds), read or do some craft. On one of those really cold days last week when the boys didn’t change out of their pajamas, we made a butterfly out of a toilet roll. Both boys thought it was great.

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Nathan modeling Daddy’s new gumboots.

And finally, two photos of the boys in the car during a recent trip to the country. One sleepy boy and one pulling faces for the camera.

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17 months old

25 May


Toby is using more and more words, and has a really pleased look on his face when we understand him. He uses the word ‘stuck’ on it’s own, or calls out ‘Mummy stuck’ to let me know he needs help. It happens most when trying to get in the back door and the wire door closes on his leg.

Toby is sleeping 11 – 12 hours at night (he still wakes a lot) and 45 minutes to an hour and a half during the day. His day nap has been slowly moving from 10:30 am and is now generally around midday.

Toby seems to be becoming less destructive in general, and trying more to manipulate tools instead. His is much more aware of the things he wants, and will hold something and repeat “mine” if he thinks that Nathan is going to take it away from him…which is generally what happens anyway.

Looking for creatures

22 May

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In an attempt to tame the garden, we bought a whipper snipper recently (Andrew jokes it was my Mother’s Day gift). After an afternoon with the new toy, our front lawn and nature strip look much neater, so I was back to battling with the roses in the mild afternoons that we had last week. The boys found a rather messy, and unique, way to entertain themselves.

Nathan and Toby love looking in the drain at the end of our driveway where it joins the footpath. Many times I have asked them to leave the cover on, but they always take it off. On Thursday when I was busy trying to cut dead wood out of a very prickly rose, they got to work on the drain by taking the cover off the entire length (4 sections of cover) and were digging in the moist dirt they found in the drain. I asked Nathan what they were doing, and he told me they were looking for creatures.

There were probably some little beetles in there….I didn’t look. But they really hit pay-dirt when they found a big, fat worm. Longer than our worm farm worms and nearly the thickness of my little finger, they kids found it really interesting. They found about 5 in the drain all up and one in the ground when we dug it a little in preparation to relocate the drain worms.

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Aeroplane appliqué

04 May

I'm just cheeky.

Yet another light jumper for Toby. This time I used a dark colored fabric that will hopefully not look dirty as quickly as the other two I made. I used the same fabrics as those in Nathan’s airplane top, but reversed them and have the aeroplanes on the inside this time. To liven up the plain outer layer a bit, I decided to try an airplane appliqué on the front. I found the pattern here on this helping little hands blog. I’m pleased with how it turned out, despite sewing it to the wrong side of the navy layer before getting it right. Nathan is now asking for a top the same, so I am resigned to making him another hoodie, though (he doesn’t know it yet) I am going to do a sea turtle appliqué instead of an aeroplane, with some bright yellow and blue sea-theme jersey on the inside.

The photos below are complete with yoghurt remains from breakfast and dribbles from Toby’s drink bottle.

Aeroplanes in the hood.

Yet another new top

Apple Ear

01 May

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While we were traveling back to Melbourne in the car, we lost some altitude and my ears ‘popped’. Toby grizzled and pointed to his ear, so I gave him an apple and told him to take a bite, chew chew chew and swallow to help his ear. The apple would help his ear, is what I told him. So he took a bite and then put the apple on his ear. I guess it was pretty easy to misinterpret those words.

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Cork’s Corner

My little corner of the internet