Looking for creatures

22 May

Last Import-38

In an attempt to tame the garden, we bought a whipper snipper recently (Andrew jokes it was my Mother’s Day gift). After an afternoon with the new toy, our front lawn and nature strip look much neater, so I was back to battling with the roses in the mild afternoons that we had last week. The boys found a rather messy, and unique, way to entertain themselves.

Nathan and Toby love looking in the drain at the end of our driveway where it joins the footpath. Many times I have asked them to leave the cover on, but they always take it off. On Thursday when I was busy trying to cut dead wood out of a very prickly rose, they got to work on the drain by taking the cover off the entire length (4 sections of cover) and were digging in the moist dirt they found in the drain. I asked Nathan what they were doing, and he told me they were looking for creatures.

There were probably some little beetles in there….I didn’t look. But they really hit pay-dirt when they found a big, fat worm. Longer than our worm farm worms and nearly the thickness of my little finger, they kids found it really interesting. They found about 5 in the drain all up and one in the ground when we dug it a little in preparation to relocate the drain worms.

Last Import-42

Last Import-39

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