New White Goods

10 Nov


Our little fridge had been bugging me for a long time. It had a capacity of something like 300 litres including the freezer, and while that sounds a lot it really wasn’t when there are four people in the house. I usually do the veggie shopping once a week, and afterwards the fridge would be filled to capacity. That wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that it tended to freeze things when it was full, and so we always wasted money by throwing out foods that were spoiled by the freezing. So I was quite excited by the idea of getting a big fridge when we moved into this house.

Andrew suggested that we also buy a washing machine and dryer. True, the house didn’t have a dryer, but then I don’t use them very much in general. We also had a washing machine that worked, so I was a bit resistant to buying a new one of those too. I caved in though, and the first weekend we had the keys to the house we headed off to see what sort of a deal we could manage to get for the products we decided that we wanted. We added to the purchases a few days later when Andrew rang up to get a dishwasher included in the delivery.

The items all came a few weeks ago now. I think that both Andrew and I were surprised at how our monster fridge seemed to dominate the kitchen, but we are getting used to it. The dishwasher sat in it’s packaging for over 2 weeks but it is finally installed now. We had to pay someone to do it because we couldn’t get the cupboard out to create the space for it. It looked a simple job to remove it, but we didn’t know it was screwed, nailed and glued in, and we didn’t have the tools to deal with that.

I think that all purchases have been good ones. The new washing machine is amazing and really has made me realize that the old one was not washing particularly well, and is so big that I don’t have to wash every day (I even fitted two bath sheets, two normal
sized towels, a bath mat, two hand towels and some nappies in one load….that was two loads in the old machine). The dryer is fine, but hasn’t been used much yet, and today when out shopping I bought watermelon without worrying about whether the fridge would freeze it, or whether it would fit. The dishwasher had it’s inaugural load last night, so I didn’t have to spend all my spare time washing dishes in-between dealing with a wakeful baby.

I don’t know what the world is coming to when I’m excited by buying white goods!

One Response

  1. katepickle says:

    We got a new washing machine recently and oh my…. I didn’t know such enormous machines existed! We didn’t get the biggest they had (though the sales lady tried hard to convince us we HAD to have it since we had SO MANY children)… but our 7.5kg washer is twice the size of our old one! Only problem is… I wash HUGE Loads and then I have to find somewhere to hang it all to dry!

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