Waterfall Walk

18 Dec

The weather was perfect today. Perfect for going on a walk. We chose one that we haven’t done before. It was approx. 6 km in length (Andrew recorded 6.9 km), a loop with a waterfall at around the halfway point. We packed our lunches and drinks into our backpacks. The kids each carried one and we had one other. The big problem with going on walks while we are here is that I didn’t bring a carrier of any description because Toby just hasn’t wanted to be in one for a long time. So I sort of forgot to bring one for carrying a tired child on walks.

Toby slept until 8 am this morning, so I figured we had plenty of time before he got tired, even though we arrived at the walk at 11 am. Well, I figured wrong. He was asking to be carried well before we reached the waterfall. So it ended up being a really slow walk, because I did a lot of carrying of Toby. Andrew also did some while Toby was asleep.

It was a beautiful walk, going through some lovely bush. At one point there was a lot of orange flowers out (egg and bacon flowers?) on bushes. The ground was a little undulating. Andrew had a little program on his phone which indicated we had just under a 200 m elevation throughout the walk. The waterfall was nice but there wasn’t anywhere to stop there to eat your lunch, so we crossed the fence and perched ourselves in the shade on a large rock near the water. On the way back we went through an area of large granite boulders which was pretty interesting. Andrew and Nathan climbed one of the boulders to see the view while I rested with the sleeping child. It seemed to take forever to get back, but we finally made it to the car.

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