Take three

29 May

Looks like I’m pregnant!  Again.  Here are the last 2 tests, the lower was done on Sunday morning and the upper one was done thismorning.  They both look quite similar in this photo, but the one I did thismorning was positive within 1.5 minutes (the test instructions say to read the result in 3 minutes) while the one on Sunday was positive only after 6 minutes. 

I have booked at appointment with my GP for Friday morning.  I’m going to ask to have a blood test to check my iron and vitamin B12 levels.  Both were very low in my pre-pregnancy blood test in December, and I want to know if the vitamin supplements have fixed the problem.  I read somewhere recently that a vitamin B12 deficiency can cause miscarriages and other problems.  I also want my GP to help me determine a due date….it will be somewhere between Feb 2 and Feb 6 next year.  The way I calculated it, I’d be due on my mum’s birthday, February 5. 

I really hope this one sticks!  I’m just too nervous about miscarriages to get excited yet.

2 Responses

  1. asphotos says:

    lots of cotton wool!

  2. kate says:

    Oh a quiet but very huge YAY! Sending all my positive sticky vibes up your way! And I’d say a guesstimate due date of feb 2-6 is pretty darn accurate, cause as I keep trying to tell everyone who hassles me… only 1% of babies are actually born at the magical 40 weeks due date!

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