Sunny days

25 Dec

Thankfully the bitterly cold winds have gone, as well as the rain and the cold. Tuesday was our first sunny day. We went for a walk along the Bullocks Track, with Nathan riding his bike. It was about a 4 km return trip, but Nathan got tired and wanted to be carried some of
the way back from the hut.

Wednesday was a very sunny day, so we went in the chairlift from Thredbo to
the Thredbo Top Station. Nathan had fun on it, and then he walked the entire 2 km to Kosciuszko Lookout and back again. I have done the walk many times, but the snow that was lying around really made it different. There were still a couple of snow drifts across the
path as well. It really was spectacular.

Thursday we dropped in at Charlottes Pass again to see if there was any snow left there, but there wasn’t. We had planned to walk a bit along one of the walking tracks there, but since the day started off quite windy we aborted and went for a swim at the pool in Jindabyne instead. We were really feeling the need for a wash, but the Thredbo River, which runs through the campsite, is a lot too cold to be appealing.

Yesterday was another perfect day for walking, so we took the kids on the Porcupine Track. It was nearly 3 km to Porcupine Rocks where there’d is a lovely view of the Thredbo valley. Nathan walked the entire way there and back again, carrying his backpack which contained his water bottle, a sandwich, his jumper, Toby’s jumper (Nathan insisted he carry it), and some sultanas and popcorn that we popped yesterday. Toby, on the other hand, slept on my back almost the entire way.

On the Bullocks Track

Carrying both Nathan and Toby on the Bullocks track

Andrew and Nathan walking to Kosciuszko lookout from the chairlift

Nathan modifying a snowman someone made at Kosciuszko lookout. He decided it needed boobies and 4 ears.

Nathan at Porcupine Rocks

Too tired to sit up to eat sultanas at Porcupine Rocks

There are lots of flowers around

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