
17 Nov

Getting my little boy to sleep has been almost as difficult as it was with my bigger boy when he was a baby. I spent a lot of time and effort on trying to get Nathan to sleep when he was a baby, and trying to get him to go to sleep without my assistance, or with only a little assistance. I couldn’t come at ‘sleep training’ though, so we just persevered with methods that seemed to work best at the time even though all methods were very hands-on.

I haven’t worried about Toby’s sleep anywhere near as much as I did with Nathan. This is partly because I wasn’t planning on going back to work when he was a baby, so I wasn’t constantly worried about how someone else (without milky boobs) would get him to sleep, and partly because Nathan needed to get out and run every day and we just got into the habit of Toby spending most of his day sleeps on my back.

So, it was with great surprise that Toby went to sleep on the floor about a week ago, with me just patting his back. Toby loves to put his head on a pillow and lie down for a few seconds, just like Nathan used to. But unlike Nathan, Toby seems to be able to relax enough without a breastfeed to go to sleep. He did the same thing last night…put his head on a cushion on the floor, so I lay down beside him and rubbed his back, and again he went to sleep!

I’m just hoping this ability to relax continues and sleep is something he learns to achieve relatively easily.

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