Separation Anxiety

13 Mar

It is a fuzzy photo, but the expression is clear. Toby has not been very happy when away from me, ever since we left for Sydney some 10 days ago. I suspect that he missed his Daddy while we were away, and so he clung to me more than normal. If I left his sight, or walked away from him, or he was playing and realised suddenly that I was not near him, he would start crying inconsolably and looking for me. Even when I picked him up, the sobbing and crying would continue for quite a while. When getting Nathan to sleep I would try to leave Toby with my friends who we were staying with, but he was so upset at not being with me that I had to find other solutions to bedtime. Not even the iPhone or iPad would console him, and they are usually do the job beautifully when he is upset.

I thought that things would return to normal when we got back home, but it is taking a lot longer than I had imagined.

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