
01 Mar

Now that Nathan is a year old, I’ve decided to only do blogs about his development once a month instead of twice, but it seems like such a long time since I did his 12 month post!  The boy obviously has so much more confidence about his walking ability these days that he isn’t taking as much care and is consequently doing a lot of falling over.  That, combined with the fact that he has been sick for at least a week and not sleeping well, means that we’ve had more crying and screaming in the last couple of weeks than I think we had in his entire first year!

Nathan had his 12 month vaccinations on February 11, and about 4 days later he started to get a bit snuffly.  I tend to think it’s a total coincidence, but back then I wasn’t sure if the two were related.  He gradually got more and more snuffly until he had quite a runny and snotty nose.  I couldn’t work out what he had because he didn’t really sneeze or cough, so wasn’t sure if he had a cold or not.  He was really REALLY unhappy being left at Ebony’s house last Tuesday while I went to work, and that night I thought vaguely that he seemed a bit hot.  It wasn’t until Wednesday last week that I took his temperature and it was 39.5 degrees.  The next two days the poor tyke had a high temperature, and I dosed him with Panandol when it went above 39 degrees.  I made an appointment to take him to the GP on Friday, but of course his fever had improved and so I decided to cancel the appointment (only to find that he didn’t really have one booked!?).  Yesterday he came out in spots all over his head, tummy (chest wasn’t so bad) and back.  They were not bright red spots, just pale pinkish but quite obvious.  Why is it that we all get sick on weekends when there are no GP’s working?  I rang Health Direct Australia and spoke to a nurse who thought that he had a Roseola rash, which is caused by a virus but doesn’t really cause any real problems.  I was advised, as a precaution, to keep him away from other children until the spots disappeared, which should be gone within 3 days.

So hopefully Nathan will start sleeping better again soon so that he’s not tired and grumpy, that he will feel better soon, and stop falling down and bumping his head (possibly due to tiredness?).  I really want my happy baby/toddler back, this tired, constantly grizzly and crying one is really really draining for Andrew and I!

One Response

  1. kate says:

    Roseola is not much fun. Hope he’s back to his normal self soon!

    Nathan is looking so grown up! Hope you’re well, K x

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