Puffing Billy

20 Mar


We went took the kids in Puffing Billy today. We took the train from Belgrave Station to Lakeside where we had a picnic lunch and a walk around the lake before getting the train back to Belgrave.

Nathan had so much fun that he is currently obsessed with steam trains and reliving the train rides of today. In particular, he talks a lot about how the train stopped on the way up due to a lack if steam (a recent change of coal supply is causing a few issues for the trains). It took quite a long time to build up the stream and get the train going again. Toby just wanted to wriggle and explore, which made it very difficult when the train was crowded. An hour trying to contain a restless toddler is not a lot if fun, really.

We had perfect weather and the train went through some pretty parts of the Dandenongs.








One Response

  1. yewenyi says:

    You got the garrett! I am so jealous!

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