Brotherly friends….or not

09 Oct

Nathan (to me): do you know who my best friend is?
Me: hmmm….Toby?
Nathan: yes!
Toby: do you know who my best friend is?
Me: hmmmm….Nathan?
Toby: no, it’s Fred the millipede (the kids named a millipede and a cockroach a few days ago).
Me: oh, really? Don’t you mean Nathan?
Toby (decisively): no, it’s Fred!

So, apparently Toby likes a bug that he probably tried to squash by standing on it more than he likes his brother! Lol.

One Response

  1. two dragons says:

    I like the idea that they have the concept of friends ..even if they are a millipede and and a cockroach! LOL

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