Nursery rhymes….Andrew style

04 Sep

Andrew was talking to the baby last night while we were lying in bed (he’s still telling it to kick me), and he decided to tell it some nursery rhymes.  The problems are that we don’t remember very many of them between us (I think I know more than Andrew though), and many of them are outdated.  So, Andrew started to modernise them…..

Incy wincy spider…..well, Andrew decided that in this day and age it would be better to talk about water conservation, so it climbs a water tank instead of a spout (and is obviously one of those spiders that carry a bubble of air with them when it’s under water!)…..

Incy wincy spider climbed up the water tank
Down came the rain and so poor Incy sank
Out came the sunshine to dry up all the rain
So Incy Wincy spider climbed up the tank again.

 Then we thought about Hickory Dickory Dock. The only problem with that one is that clocks these days are mostly digital.  Andrew wanted to say something about the mouse chewing through the power cord and electrocuting itself.  Hmm…..I don’t think anything rhymed though.

Another one was Humpty Dumpty…..ok, we didn’t get it to rhyme last night, but an attempt by me thismorning came up with….

Humpty Dumpty wasn’t allowed to sit on a wall
Just in case he’d have a big fall
OH&S and risk assessments showed
That a fall could cause poor Humpty to explode.

Yes, I am contemplating a book on nursery rhymes so that poor Bugalugs doesn’t have to put up with Andrew-style rhymes all the time.  🙂

2 Responses

  1. katef says:

    You know if it was really modern there wouldn’t be any rain at all wash Incy out with – cause you know, global warming and all that… maybe a dust storm??

  2. Bronwyn says:

    I love the humpty one! Made me laugh.

    Old Mother hubbard
    Went to the cupboard
    To get her poor dog a bone
    When she was there
    the cupboard was bare
    and the RSPCA took her dog away?

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