NT scan

26 Jul


We had our nuchal tranclucency ultrasound lastnight. I was so scared that there would be nothing there, and at work yesterday I got 2 electric shocks from an electric fence, so I was also worried that there’d be a baby and no heartbeat because I’d electrocuted it! Anyway, the lady was looking at stuff that didn’t look like anything to me, and I had to ask if there was anything there. She said ‘yes’ and started pointing out bits, and got a heartbeat of 165 beats per minute. I just wanted to cry, but held it together except for a little tear that broke free and travelled down my face.

It’s still hard to believe, but we have photos to prove it. I guess I’m living proof that you can be pregnant and not have morning sickness in any way, shape or form. I’m so lucky! And in 6 months, all going well, we’ll have a new addition to our family. 🙂

2 Responses

  1. katef says:

    YAY! big huge YAY!

  2. Steph says:

    Yay again! Great news!

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