
08 Oct

We got home from doing the grocery shopping last weekend and, as usual, everything got dumped on the floor until it could be put away (we don’t have much bench space in the kitchen, eh, we don’t have much space in the kitchen!). I needed to feed Nathan, so he and I plonked ourselves down on the couch for a while, and Andrew started putting things away and getting dinner ready.

There were still a couple of plastic bags (we forgot our green bags…oops) full of shopping on the floor when I finished feeding Nathan, so when I put him on the ground he went to investigate. The next thing I know he has helped himself to a bag full of mushrooms! He got one out, took a bite, grabbed another one with his other hand, took a bite of that and decided it was no good so put it back in the bag. He then went on to eat an entire mushroom!

One Response

  1. soulmumma says:

    what a cutie! go the mushies!

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