Modern cloth nappies

03 Oct

Cloth nappies, these days, seem to come in an array of types. Gone are they days when cloth simply meant using terry squares. Modern cloth nappies, or MCNs, is a whole new world. The MCNs are shaped and used in a similar way to disposables, so they are (supposedly) easier to use than having to fold terry squares. I only know one person who uses cloth, all my other friends with babies seem to use disposable. Yes, they are easy, but I don’t really want to create a huge landfill load, and cloth should be cheaper too which is always a bonus.

I’m keen to try making some, but people say that they don’t all fit all babies perfectly, and it’s better to have your subject before making or buying too many of one type. I’ve scoured the internet looking at all the nappy types, and while doing this I came across a really really cute nappy with a seahorse pattern on it. Now, being a seahorse/weedy seadragon fan, I had to write to the company and ask when they would have more in stock, as the website indicated that they were sold out. I got a reply saying that the patterned nappies are all limited edition and once sold out there wouldn’t be any more. But there was one of the seahorse nappies available, and I was given instructions on how to order it. So I did, and I bought another nappy as well, just to make it more worthwhile paying for postage. It ended up being quite an expensive exercise, but really, the cuteness factor outweighs all that.

I’ve also scoured the internet for free nappy patterns, and detailed instructions on how to make them. They don’t look too difficult (says me, who hasn’t touched a sewing machine in more than 8 years), though I’ve heard that to make pockets with waterproof outters, then you need to get good quality materials that you can’t get from Spotlight or Lincraft. But I figure I’ll start with cheap materials and fitted nappies, and see how I go. I’m really excited about picking up my sewing machine in 2 weeks from mum and giving all this a go. The next job is to get to Spotlight and see if they have any suitable materials.

2 Responses

  1. katef says:

    cuteness factor is ALWAYS paramount when buying nappies… sounds like you are a true nappy nerd already! LOL Catch me on MSN sometime and I will talk nappy sewing with you… it is really easy once you get going!

  2. Chris says:

    Thanks Kate, I will. 🙂

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