Hospital visit

13 Aug


On Friday, about midday, Nathan was running around outside. He was going up and down the driveway (to the unit behind us) and around the car onto our front lawn. And back again. I was packing some things into the back of the car, so the back (boot) door was wide open when Nathan ran past, misjudged in his running and ran into the edge of the door. He hit the left side of his face and his collarbone/shoulder.

He was in a lot of pain, particularly at his shoulder, so I took him to see our local GP who said that it just looked like bruising and that he would be sore for a few days, maybe even a week. He didn’t think anything was broken.

Nathan pretty much stopped using his left arm, which was pretty obvious since he is left handed, and being touched on the shoulder was painful. If he knocked it, or it was bumped in play, he would be crying and in pain again.

Sunday morning, after yet another bump and an episode of crying and Nathan was really miserable, we felt that his shoulder just wasn’t right so Andrew and I took Nathan to emergency at Monash Medical Centre to be checked out. Two hours later we were out again, with x-rays showing no breaks. So, it is just a matter of waiting for Nathan’s shoulder to get better….and trying to keep Toby from jumping on his brother,


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