Happy Birthday Toby

21 Dec

Last Import-8

Toby turned two years old today, and he was very excited about his birthday. We gave him a card with a steam train on it, and he spent the next 20 minutes playing with his card and totally ignoring his present. Finally he unwrapped his book, called ‘Again’, and of course he wanted it read again and again! His other present was Nathan’s old balance bike, which he has been practicing on since we have been in the mountains, and he is starting to be quite confident on it now.

The other thing Toby was really excited about was having cake, and he was quite upset when we told him we would make it in the afternoon and not straight away. We had breakfast and decided to go to the pool at Thredbo. Our plan had been to go up in the chairlift to Thredbo top station and go for a walk, but the mountain tops were in the clouds all morning, so we changed to going to the pool. Toby had a ball at the pool. There was a very fast water slide and Toby couldn’t get enough of it. He had to go on it with Andrew or me, and as soon as we got to the end he would get out of the pool and start up the steps again, so one of us would have to run after him. It was actually quite exhausting for us, and even Toby had slowed down a little by the end.

Toby fell asleep in the car on the way back to the tent, but didn’t transfer well and I was trying to get him back to sleep in the tent when Nathan mentioned cake. Well, that was the end of Toby’s sleep because he wanted cake! So we made the cake and put it in the Weber, then Nathan and Andrew went for a drive to get some ice and milk for Jindabyne while I tried to get Toby to have some quiet time.

We iced the cake, and when Nathan and Andrew got back we took the cake up to the people we met the other day who were nice and gave the kids some biscuits. We asked them of they’d like to have some cake with us, sang Happy Birthday to Toby, and ate most of the cake.

We had another flat chicken for dinner with veggies. Andrew lit the fire so we could have toasted marshmellows, which we had also promised the kids. Luckily the rain stayed away until marshmellows were eaten, the kids were in bed, and everything packed up. I think Toby had a great day.

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At the end of this video Toby says “do it again”.

2 Responses

  1. silver says:

    Happy birthday Toby!
    Love from great aunt Silver

  2. two dragons says:

    Looks like a great holiday is being had by all! Happy birthday Toby. You are such a big boy now and you have a bike too! Hope you have a great xmas day. we are on the sick list but will be in Melbourne in early January and would love to come for visit. Lots of love from your favourite Dragons

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