Great Oma

15 Nov

We were in Melbourne two weekends ago for a friend’s wedding (one of Andrew’s hockey mates) and we got to visit Oma twice in that time.  The first time my parents were also there, and the second time it was just Andrew, Nathan and I.  The second visit was not expected by Oma, and she was so happy she didn’t stop smiling the entire time we were there.  She is so happy to be a great grandmother, and Nathan was a lot more interactive with Oma than the first time, so it was a really nice afternoon.

I know that Oma tells me that she’ll never see me again after most visits, but I had a sense of it being true this time, probably because I think she really believes it.   As we were leaving she told me she loved me, and it sounded so final. She is 95 years old (or will be in just over a month), has cancer and was having problems breathing.  I cried as we drove away.  Somehow you never seem to appreciate fully what you have until it is being taken from you.

3 Responses

  1. Julie says:

    Hugz chris love the photos …

  2. Glen says:

    Whatever the future, great moments were captured that day

  3. Oma says:

    […] wrote a post in November about Oma.  She had cancer and I had been told it was unlikely she’d see Christmas.  She turned 95 […]

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