First hospital appointment

23 Jul

As we drove into the hospital carpark thismorning, Andrew reminded Bug-a-lugs that we’re only visiting the hospital for good things this time, not bad.  Well, that’s the plan, anyway. 

We had the first appointment with the midwife today.  It is essentially an hour of answering questions, including a couple that Andrew has to leave the room for where they ask me if my partner has ever beaten or abused me.  Eh, and I’m sure that playing ‘Punch Buggies’ doesn’t count.  So he was only out of the room for about 10 seconds!  hehe.

We had a bit of a discussion about the due date, and decided to change it from Feb 2 to Feb 5.  I don’t think it makes much difference, though my mother will probably be amused because Feb 5 is her birthday. 

My blood pressure has been a little high the last few times it’s been tested, so instead of going straight to the Birth Centre, I had to book in to see a doctor for my next visit in 4 weeks.  His name is Dr. Buist, and until a couple of years ago he was the Director of Obstetrics at the hospital and seems to be actively involved in other medical groups related to obstetrics, so hopefully he’ll be pretty good. 

All in all, everything seems to be ok.  So now it’s just a 2 day wait to find out if Bug-a-lugs is growing away happily, and another week before we get the risk factor for Down Syndrome. 

One Response

  1. katef says:

    glad to hear things went well today…. and I bet your BP is only high because having it taken stresses you out!

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