Counting in the Car

23 Mar

Nathan loves counting. He loves to sit in the car and count with me to 100, or 200, or whatever. It has taken him a while to work out what comes after the numbers ending in ‘9’, like 39, 49, 59 etc. He knows them now if he stops to think about it, but after 39 he does have to think. Nathan and I take it in turns to say a number, so I try to count the odd numbers so that Nathan has to practice working out what comes after the something-nine. Today he got stuck on 30, which is odd because he’s known that one for a while. We got to 29 and he said 20 10. No Nathan, think about it, what comes after 29. All I got was silence. Nathan, what comes after 29? I ask again. I finally ask one more time. Then a little voice says “30”. Toby decided to answer the question for Nathan! 😀

One Response

  1. Andrew says:

    The little little man has been paying attention!!

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