Archive for the ‘Nathan’s third year’ Category


20 Dec

All night we could hear rain on the tent, and this morning the peaks of the hills around the camp site were covered in snow. We made our second trip to Charlottes Pass in two days, but today we found ankle-deep snow, mid-calf deep in places, and more snow falling. Nathan had a ball. It was hard to get him back into the car and out of the cold. For Toby it was very serious business which became unbearable for him when the wind blew, even though he was warm in many layers of clothes and snuggled in the mei tei on Mummy’s front.

Camping holiday: rain, hail and sleet

19 Dec

Before deciding to head to the mountains for our camping holiday, we did check the 28 day forecast and there was a low possibility of rain for yesterday and a medium possibility for today. Unfortunately the reality of the current weather and short term forecasts is that it is looking more like we may have 3 dry days out of the 8 we are in the mountains. It’s just a good thing that Andrew and I quite enjoy camping in the rain…at least now that we have the ‘taj mahal’ of tents….but two small kids are challenging in inclement weather. Still, it’s all good as long as we can keep Nathan from (literally) bouncing off the walls of the tent, waking Toby when asleep, keep him from playing with the torches so much that the batteries go flat, stop him from squirting sunscreen or toothpaste or lip balm all over himself and everything else in the tent (we just found that the tent has high pockets so that will help keep small things out of reach) amongst other things, then all is good. The only problem we have with Toby is that he doesn’t have a rain coat, so with the wind and cold it is hard to keep him warm outside the tent.

Eh, the weather could be better but it is still nice here.


Crossed wires

16 Dec

Nathan’s friend in Sydney, Sarah, moved house this week. She and her parents moved about 200 metres from their flat to their new house house. Nathan was excited about the news of their move….he thought Mel and Sarah were moving to Melbourne and they would come and visit us. It must be a world full of disappointments when you only have enough experience to understand part of the story.

Crushing garlic

11 Dec

Nathan puts a lot of effort into crushing pretend garlic!


08 Dec

nathan was sewing some overalls.

Last week when we were in the city we visited Tessuti, a fancy fabric place that has three outlets in Sydney and one in Melbourne. I didn’t need anything, I just wanted to find them and have a look around. All the Tessuti shops have toys for kids to play with, but this was the first time Nathan had seen a toy sewing machine. Nathan loved it. I asked him what he was doing, and was told that he was sewing overalls.


07 Dec


Pegs are such a great toy. They get sucked on, counted, given to Mummy when she hangs up washing, collected off the ground when Mummy drops them, and the list probably goes on. I seem to constantly find pegs all around the house, inside and outside.

I was a bit confused, a couple of days ago, when Nathan ran up to me and excitedly told me that “we ‘ave begs on our ed”

Then he turned around and showed me his head and there was a peg attached to his hair, looking for all the world like a hair clip. Where does my boy get ideas like this? Has he seen someone with hair clips in when we’ve been out? Or does it just seem like a logical thing to do with pegs? Anyway, I laughed and went outside in search of Toby, and sure enough the 2-year-old hair stylist had been at him as well.





Christmas Tree

04 Dec

Ooohh, what is this??


Where does this go?


Here are some more for the tree!


Finally, the star


and turn the lights on.


The Christmas tree went up in 10 minutes!

Mark Webber

02 Dec

Mark Webber

Nathan hasn’t seen much television in his nearly three years of his life, and he pretty much thinks that about all you see on the box is car racing. And no matter what type of car racing is on, Mark Webber will be racing. He has to be one of Mr. Webber’s youngest fans.

When we were at the polling booth on Saturday, Andrew asked Nathan who he was going to vote for. Nathan thought for a short time and then declared “Mark Webber!”. In the supermarket Nathan has occasionally pointed out to me a photo of Mark Webber in his formula 1 car on the Red Bull six-packs.

So we decided to take Nathan to Angus and Robertson in the city today to meet Mark Webber at his book signing. We got there 40 minutes before the man was supposed to arrive, and already the line was more than a block long. I baulked at the idea of trying to entertain two restless children on the street while in line for about an hour, so we went to look at the kids books and got a glimpse of Mark Webber through a pane of glass after he arrived. And you know what? That was exciting for Nathan.


26 Nov

I’m so frustrated by all the aggression that Nathan has these days, with most of it directed at Toby. They sometimes play nicely together, though Nathan will often get frustrated and upset with Toby’s attempts at helping since they always result in knocking over/breaking whatever Nathan is trying to build/make. This I can understand and attempts can be made to reason with Nathan or keep Toby away.

What I don’t understand is the random displays of aggression, and I really don’t know the best way of dealing with it. These days ‘smashing’ is the thing to do. He smashes toys together, he smashes things by hitting them with his hands hard, he smashes into people by launching himself at their legs and he smashes food. Lately Nathan has started hitting Toby hard on the head, with or without a hard object in his hands.

Before the smashing became a big thing Nathan would occasionally bite us…Andrew, Toby or me. When asked why he did it, he’d say that he “just wanted to eat you”. This hitting on the head results in the same problem as the biting….a crying baby holding his arms out to be picked up and comforted, a nearly 3-year-old who runs away smiling, and an angry mother who generally picks up the baby and yells at the older child. Actually, these days I’m trying to talk to Nathan about what he’s doing to others. So the angry mother picks up the laughing boy and plonks him on the couch, telling him to stay there, and goes back for the crying baby. Of course the boy thinks it is a fun game to get off the couch and run away, so mother and baby have to catch up with him and carry him back to the couch. He doesn’t want to be there and chat about what he did to Toby, so he keeps trying to get off the couch, while the mother forcibly holds him on the couch. This results in Nathan crying and any discussion between mother and child then becomes impossible as the boy wails his distress. Today I finally got him calm enough to talk about what he did, and when asked why he hit Toby he said, with a smile, “I just wanted to smash him”.

The worst of the aggression happens after around 3 pm, so I assume that much of it is due to Nathan being tired…or at any rate it is worse because of tiredness. Still, going back to giving him afternoon naps wouldn’t help (in my opinion) because he gets much less sleep overall when he naps during the day and that just makes him almost constantly tired. That’s why we gave up his day sleeps in the first place. I’m also assuming that this is yet another stage that we just have to weather and make the best of, as far as possible.

Egg revisited

18 Nov

He’s done it again….egg in the same place, perhaps not as large. The lump hadn’t even completely disappeared after last time.

Cork’s Corner

My little corner of the internet