Camping holiday: rain, hail and sleet

19 Dec

Before deciding to head to the mountains for our camping holiday, we did check the 28 day forecast and there was a low possibility of rain for yesterday and a medium possibility for today. Unfortunately the reality of the current weather and short term forecasts is that it is looking more like we may have 3 dry days out of the 8 we are in the mountains. It’s just a good thing that Andrew and I quite enjoy camping in the rain…at least now that we have the ‘taj mahal’ of tents….but two small kids are challenging in inclement weather. Still, it’s all good as long as we can keep Nathan from (literally) bouncing off the walls of the tent, waking Toby when asleep, keep him from playing with the torches so much that the batteries go flat, stop him from squirting sunscreen or toothpaste or lip balm all over himself and everything else in the tent (we just found that the tent has high pockets so that will help keep small things out of reach) amongst other things, then all is good. The only problem we have with Toby is that he doesn’t have a rain coat, so with the wind and cold it is hard to keep him warm outside the tent.

Eh, the weather could be better but it is still nice here.


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