Brotherly love

25 May

For the most part, Nathan adores Toby.  He often tries to hold hands with Toby. He also asks for cuddles with Toby quite regularly, which means he wants to either sit on the couch with Toby sitting between his legs and resting back on Nathan, or lying down with Toby on top of him.  Unfortunately, though, he often asks for ‘Toby cuddles’ at a time when Toby isn’t really happy.  Nathan told Andrew last week at some ungodly hour of the morning that Toby always cries when he gives him cuddles.

Nathan is a bit bossy around Toby too, dictating what toys he’s allowed to play with and trying to force him to play with them.  He will often steal a toy that Toby was playing with so that he can play with it himself.  Nathan loves lying on the floor with him, grasping him around the neck in a cuddle/head-lock and then roll over, making Toby roll from one side of him, over the top and landing on Nathan’s other side.  He also loves waking Toby up if he’s asleep, with yelling being a favourite method.

All in all, I think that Nathan is very pleased to have a brother.  And for his part, Toby seems to adore Nathan as well.  We have some very cute photos of the two boys together, and I just thought I’d post some of them.

One Response

  1. Glen says:

    Great photos.
    I love Tobys interested look in the top one 🙂

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