Blood test results

07 Jun

My GP rang me on Tuesday as promised. She said she had the results of the HCG test but was still waiting on some of the others. Apparently my HCG level was lower than she would have liked, and wanted me to have another blood test that day just to make sure that the levels were rising. That’s how my miscarriage was confirmed, by my blood HCG levels decreasing over a 3 day interval. So I popped down to the medical centre that day for the blood test and booked my next appointment with my GP.

The legacy of miscarriage seems to be that you can’t help but assume at every turn that something has, or will, go wrong. So, to put our minds at least a little at ease (we hoped) since we were both nervous after my discussion with my GP, Andrew bought another home pregnancy test on the way home on Tuesday. The two I did last week gave quite faint positive results, and it was with relief that this time the positive line was dark, about as strong as the control line. It seemed obvious to me that my HCG levels had increased in the last week.

So I wasn’t too nervous leading up to this morning’s visit to my GP which went well. Last Friday (4 weeks, 6 days) my blood HCG level was 297, and last Tuesday (5 weeks, 4 days) it was 2198. I was just so happy to find it was going up. According to, the range for 4 weeks is 5 – 426, 5 weeks is 18-7340 and 6 weeks is 1080 – 56500 mlU/ml. So it all seems ok.

More good news, my vitamin B12 levels have risen to 300 from 102 (acceptable range 150 – 400 (I don’t know what the units are)), so obviously my problem is a lack of vitamin B12 in my diet. However, my iron levels haven’t done much at all, they’re still very low and were about the same as last time. So I’m on a higher dose of iron now, and I go back to see my GP on July 17 to have another blood test to see if my iron levels have increased, and to fill out the paperwork for the hospital. My first appointment at the hospital with the midwife is July 23 and I’m also booked in for my Nuchal Translucency scan on July 25.

So many appointments booked…I just hope I’m still pregnant when the time comes for them! But, so far so good. 🙂

One Response

  1. katef says:

    Yay for the HCG levels going up… will you ave a third test? they usually do quanitive HCG’s in threes, one each week?
    Have fun on the iron… it can do horrid things to you, but there are other iron options if what you are one is making you feel like crap.. in more ways than one LOL

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