Baby Boy

22 Dec

The newest addition to our family was born yesterday morning, December 21, at 3:59 am after 1.5 hours of labour. He was 4.18 kg, 60 cm long and had a head circumference of 35.5 cm.  Nathan seemed to take it all in his stride, though I think he might have been a bit scared by the noises I was making during the actual birth but Andrew was with him all the time, explaining what was going on.  He helped to clamp and cut the cord, wanted to breastfeed with the baby, has lavished him in kisses, and several times asked to hold the baby.  🙂

Welcome little man.  Your Daddy and I promise to give you a name soon.

4 Responses

  1. jules says:

    Congrats to all he is a cutie

  2. Wommie says:

    Congratulations to Big Brother Nathan and to mum and dad as well of course! Love to you all! xox

  3. Twodragons says:

    he’s very cute. Welcome Toby Oliver! You have a great big brother in Nathan Alexander! Front end loader loads of love and welcome from you Great Aunts! Silver and Shirley

  4. Kate says:

    He’s just adorable guys… congratulations!
    By the looks of things he has a name now! Welcome to the world Toby 🙂

    Big bubba smoochies to him from me! Kate x

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