Half a pin

03 May

Sewing pins do not belong in any body parts…not that I ever thought that they did.  It is just that when you do have a pin (or half a pin) somewhere that it doesn’t belong, like your right big toe for example, the statement is made perfectly clear.  It hurts!

Last Thursday night I took a lunge at Nathan to stop him getting into some paints in a craft box that I hadn’t put away.  Eh, to put it away is a major operation so it tends to get left out, but Nathan can easily take the lid off.  Anyway, I lunged and felt a pain in my big toe.  I looked at the toe and couldn’t see what was causing the pain.  I looked on the floor to see if there was anything there that would give me a clue as to what happened, and couldn’t see anything.  I told Andrew that it felt like a pin had gone through my toe and asked him to take a look, but he couldn’t see anything other than a tiny pin prick of a red mark.

Friday my toe was a bit swollen and was painful to walk on.  I hobbled around all day, and when Andrew got home that night he told me that the swelling seemed to be in a line, and really did look like something like a pin could be in there.

Saturday morning I presented at the local medical centre.  The doctor prescribed antibiotics and sent me for an xray which revealed that there was, infact, a pin in my toe! The radiologist rang the GP and asked if he wanted to see me again that day, and was told ‘no’ and I had to book in for surgery early this week.  That’s where the next problem came about….I don’t really have anyone who can look after the kids nearby except Andrew, so I had to juggle Andrew’s work commitments with the available appointments and finally settled on a time tomorrow morning.

I’m looking forward to soon not having half a pin in my big toe.

3 Responses

  1. Kate says:

    Good luck tomorrow!!!

  2. yewenyi says:

    Gads, I can’t beleive that they did not just take it out. Hope it all goes well.

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