9.5 Months Old

25 Nov

The kitchen cupboards at ground level now all have magnetic locks on them.  They require a magnet, as a kind of key, to be in the right place before the cupboard doors can be opened.  The kitchen drawers still need something to keep them shut because they are just so much fun to open but not so much fun when little fingers get caught in the closing drawer.  We have also rearranged the bedroom so that the bed is now against two walls and I no longer worry about Nathan falling out of bed when Andrew isn’t there.  Yes, well, Nathan fell out of bed about a week ago because I had fed him back to sleep in bed and fallen asleep myself, but Andrew hadn’t gone to bed yet.  A loud thud woke me up, and it was quickly followed by screaming.  So we are slowly making the flat a safer place for an active baby to be in.  Our next job is to relocate the computer and its attached items (which has mostly been done tonight).

Nathan is getting better and better at standing unaided.  I don’t think he is ready for walking because his feet don’t look like they are ready, they are still sort of angled wrong and he still tries to grip the ground with his toes.  🙂  He looks for aeroplanes when he hears them going past our loungeroom window, he looks intently at birds, and Alice is sure that he is trying to say ‘dog’ when he sees dogs.

The elimination communication is going quite well.  When I am at home I generally only miss 1 or 2 wees a day, and some days I don’t miss any (the rest are caught in an appropriate receptacle).  Alice was excited yesterday to report that she had caught another poo….I think she could be a convert to infant pottying!  Nathan is still doing all his poos in the toilet, which I think is wonderful.  We went to the Parents’ room at Westfield on the weekend and a lady commented to me on how much the room smelt.  Not surprising when the bins are filled with wet and pooey nappies!  At least I knew that my son wasn’t contributing to the stench!  I’m even getting used to the weird looks I get when I take Nathan into the toilet.  I definately think that he is learning to hold on until he is offered the toilet (within reason) and I am wondering whether Nathan does occasionally try to let me know that he needs a wee.  We have been hitting the potty whenever I sit Nathan on it, and twice in the last few days he has patted the potty where I thought it might be communication rather than simply playing with the potty.  Both times he did a wee as soon as I put him on it.   And there have been occasions during the night when he is really grizzly and just won’t go back to sleep, but wees when I offer the potty and then basically just rolls over and goes to sleep when I put him back on the bed.

He also loves reaching up as high as he can, and loves turning dials and pushing buttons….

Climbing so he can reach higher, and playing with balls….

being pushed around on his tiger, and stealing stuff out of the shopping bags (I think he’s looking for mushrooms!).

Nathan went through a really bad patch of night sleeps that had me exhausted.  He would wake around midnight and then not go back to sleep for the next 2 – 4.5 hours.  I was getting very frustrated, but finally discovered that bouncing him in the hammock was the only way to get him to sleep in this situation.  Since that find I’ve had much better sleeps and am feeling much better….still tired, but not dead tired.  😀

And I nearly forgot to mention that Nathan now has 6 teeth!  The 2 bottom and 4 top teeth.

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