9 weeks old

22 Feb


Toby’s spots have pretty much  cleared up.  I contemplated writing that last week, but I could still see the spots even though they hadn’t flared up for about a week. His little chatting/cooing noises are becoming more and more common and he sounds so cute!

EC is going well.  It is not too hard to work out when he needs the toilet.  We are catching between 1 and 6 wees a day and half his poos.  Several times, now, I have taken him out all morning, left the nappies in the car, and have been back to the car several hours later still with a dry and clean nappy.  Admittedly this just means that Toby has slept most of that time and he’s done one wee mid-feed that has gone into a garden or toilet, depending on where we are.

Something I haven’t mentioned about Toby is that I suspect that he will have brown eyes because his eyes are a murky blue colour at the moment, in contrast to Nathan’s which were a clear dark blue at birth (and have stayed blue). Toby also has a little dimple in his left ear lobe which makes it look like it has been pierced.

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