9 Months Old

11 Nov

It has been getting harder and harder to work out what to write for these half monthly updates.  Everything is just a gradual improvement, with Nathan getting better at the skills he is practising, rather than him obtaining new skills.  He is still standing at every opportunity and every day he is straighter and reaching higher (to pull down whatever he can reach).  He still occasionally lets go of what he’s holding onto and standing on his own for a few seconds at a time.  He has started waving and although Andrew has tried and tried to teach him how to clap, it is still beyond him.  When he wants something, he reaches with one arm/hand towards the thing he wants.  It isn’t always something that is close, so sometimes it’s hard to work out what he wants.

Nathan knows who people are, and if you say to him “where’s Daddy?” or “where’s Mummy?” or “where’s Sophie?” (his toy elephant) or “where’s Arthur?” (his bear) then Nathan will turn his head to look at the person/object.  Thismorning when Andrew was still in bed I asked Nathan where Daddy was, and he crawled into the bedroom and started playing with the mirrored wardrobe doors, so I’m not sure if he was heading in there because Daddy was there or if it was a coincidence.  He loves playing peekaboo, and even puts his own head down and looks up in his own version of the game.  We also think he is trying to repeat what we say, because the syllables are often right and sometimes it even sounds like what we were saying, but mostly his chatter is still baby babble.

Nathan also knows that when I get my pump and handbag and computer ready for work then it means I’m leaving him, and he tends to cry quite a lot.  I’m hoping that as he gets used to Alice (our nanny) that he will be happier more quickly.

Food-wise Nathan is a complete guts and has a belly to prove it.  He will literally eat anything we give him.  He has even tried to eat an apple that I am eating by scraping his bottom teeth along the flesh of the apple.  Oh, talking about teeth, he has 3 of his top teeth coming through at the moment.  He still hasn’t eaten nuts, but he’s had just about every other food that is well known for causing allergies, so all seems well from that point of view.

Our boy is three quarters of a year old.  Time has simply flown!!

One Response

  1. soulmumma says:

    Aww, sounds like things are going well and you have found the balance between work and home life. I’m sure nathan will get used to alice soon enough. I know what you mean about the year flying! Hope you’re well, K x

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