8.5 Months Old

28 Oct

Our flat has suddenly got that ‘too small’ feeling.  Nathan stands straighter and with more balance every day, and even occasionally lets go and stands for a second without support (though a second is about as long as he can manage!).  All the cushions on the couch end up on the floor, and anything else that might have been left on them as well.  The foot rest that I use when breastfeeding becomes a great step for him to stand on and then try to climb the rest of the way onto the couch.  So far he hasn’t been successful, but he is trying!  The books on the bottom shelf of the bookcase have been regular floor dwellers for a while, then the books on the second bottom shelf suffered the same affliction, and now the items on the third bottom shelf are all at risk of being thrown onto the ground.  Mummy puts them away and Nathan pulls them out again.

Nathan loves playing Peek-A-Boo with you, he’s just starting to try to wave goodbye, and he splashes in the bath when we tell him to (for example, when we sing “if you’re happy and you know it splash your hands”).  Basically he’s just becoming more and more fun….in general.

When he isn’t a lot of fun is in the evenings after I get home from work and he’s quite clingy which makes it hard for me to do anything, including organise some dinner.  He cries if I step out of his sight, and even if mum holds him right next to me he cries until I hold him.  I don’t know if it’s a developmental stage, or if it’s a result of me being at work all day.

And update on the childcare saga…..we decided that we wanted Nathan to have 1:1 attention, so I registered at the site www.findababysitter.com.au and put up a job description and we interviewed some lovely people.  We’ve chosen Alice to look after Nathan until Christmas (3 days a week) and after that I don’t know what we will do.  I’m having discussions at work about what my options are (my contract expires at the end of December), though I am also contemplating taking another year off work.  It isn’t financially viable to pay a nanny while I work, since I come out ahead something like $20 for the day.  I’d rather not get paid and look after Nathan myself!  Anyway, our nanny starts on Tuesday next week, and mum has been kind enough to fly to Sydney last week and again this week to look after Nathan while Andrew and I were at work.  It’s been hard work, because Nathan has been pretty unhappy to be away from us, but the signs are that this week are a little better than last week.  All in all it makes me feel really guilty that I’m away from Nathan and making him unhappy.

3 Responses

  1. julie says:

    thank goodness for Nan’s …. love from us all xx j

  2. Two Dragons says:

    I think we should all have a Mary Poppins to come and give us a spoonful of sugar’ and teach us very long words hey Nathan! oxoxo

  3. Glen says:

    Glad to read that you have found an option for care for Nathan, hope Alice works out. Its great that your mum could fill in in the interim too

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