21 weeks

25 Sep

I’ve been feeling the baby moving now for a couple of weeks, but it isn’t every day. It still feels like the inside of my belly has little twitches every now and again. Last weekend I didn’t feel it move at all, and so both Andrew and I were a little concerned. But I felt movements again yesterday morning. I think Andrew was still a bit worried, until last night when I was in bed and I got him to put his hand on my belly and he actually felt the baby kick! He was so excited about it! It’s just so nice for Andrew to be able to feel the baby and know it’s still wriggling around in there.

I also booked us into a baby class called ‘Having a baby – active’. The midwife we saw last week suggested it as being a good one if we planned to do classes. It starts November 7 and runs for 3 hours every Wednesday night until December 5. It should be interesting. šŸ™‚

I also had to go shopping last week to get some pants that are more comfortable, since my jeans were no longer comfortable. I got a black pair of maternity pants that are very stretchy. At the moment they keep falling down a little, but I guess it won’t be long until I have more of a belly to hold them up. I also got another pair of loose pants (not specifically maternity pants) and some tops just because all the ones I’d been wearing were old and looked quite ratty.

One last piece of information, in the last 5 months I’ve put on 2 kg. I’m guessing that the next 4 months will see my weight increase quite a bit. It’s the only time I’ve ever been happy be heavier every time I stand on the scales. šŸ™‚

Info from Birth.com.au

You are now 21 weeks pregnant and at the beginning of week 22. Your baby is around 25 cm long from head to toe and weighs just under 1/2 a kilogram. Most women have definitely felt their baby move inside them now, although the sensations may still be sporadic and infrequent. A few women are still waiting!

Your baby’s skin is being increasingly covered by vernix. This is a thick, white, greasy cream that protects their skin in their watery environment. Vernix disappears by about 40 weeks, but if your baby is born at 39 weeks or less, you will notice it is still on their skin. Your baby’s eyelids are still fused shut but the retinas of their eyes are fully developed and they now have distinct eyelashes and eyebrows. Your baby’s hair follicles are now pigmenting to give them hair colour, looking dark, fair or red!

One Response

  1. Andrew says:

    it was wonderful to feel bugalugs kick šŸ˜‰

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