7.5 Months Old

26 Sep

As always, time is flying past.  I’ve been back at work for nearly 4 weeks now, and we seem to have settled down into a bit of a routine (of sorts).  We try to have Nathan in bed by 8:30 pm and he is generally awake around 6 am.  I express every feed at home and 3 times during my working day, which gets me around 220 ml of milk.  Nathan then has two feeds of around 110 ml each during the day, and I also breastfeed him when he wakes in the morning, after his breakfast and before I head off to work, when I return home from work, when I feed him to sleep around 8:30 pm and he usually has one feed during the night.  However, we did have our first unbroken 8 hour sleep from Nathan recently!!  Yes, you read correctly, EIGHT HOURS!  Mind you, Andrew and I didn’t sleep so well, as we kept waking and wondering if Nathan was ok!!  Hahaha!

Andrew is really enjoying his time with Nathan, and they go for lots of walks, meetup with the other women from the Mother’s group, go swimming and get to a park at any opportunity.  The park at Coogee is their favourite so far, with a swing that Andrew sort of lies Nathan in (face downwards) and he loves it!

Nathan is only just getting the hang of crawling properly, but still uses a combination of jumping, pulling and crawling to get places fast!  He is now also pulling himself up to standing at every opportunity. 

We definitely now have 2 teeth (and for the record, Andrew was correct and the first tooth through was on Nathan’s right side).  He’s doing really well at biting and chewing, and just loves to feed himself.  So we often put his food on a tray and just let him go for it.

And finally, we got tired of Nathan’s crazy hair, so he had a haircut a few days ago….

And now he only looks a little bit crazy!

2 Responses

  1. soulmumma says:

    yay for the good sleeps nathan – well done!

    Great photos chris (as usual). Time is flying huh? Haircut looks great too 🙂

    K x

  2. Glen says:

    Yay for Daddy daycare!
    Glad to read that both your boys are enjoying the time together

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