7 weeks old

08 Feb

Believe it or not, but the photo above was taken during Toby’s tummy-time.  I put him on his tummy, picked up the camera and turned back to Toby and he was on his back.  Put him on his tummy again, aimed the camera but he was on his back again.  I tried keeping him on his tummy with one hand and aim the camera with the other, removed my hand from Toby and he was over again.  Eh, so much for getting tummy-time photos.

This last week has seen Toby start smiling a lot.  I adore those smiles, they are simply gorgeous.  He has also been trying very hard to play with the baby gym and can hit the little toys with his hands and feet.  He’s also started doing some very cute cooing type noises.

The spots on Toby’s face and body are still there.  Often they are unnoticeable, but sometimes they are very obvious and those days are often humid ones that I wear him in the wrap and we sweat together.

2 Responses

  1. Kate says:

    I don’t know how many times I’ve said it – you guys make clever kids! 😉

    (and cute ones too!)

  2. sue sa says:

    Ahh, isnt Toby sweet, so good to see a picture of him! And Nathan has grown so much, he looks and express such the BIG brother attitude, so glad that you avoided the big green eyed monster. I think your right about the tandem feeding – helps him bond with Toby.
    Sorry you didnt get the green light for moving. But perhaps its fate – there might be something better in store for you. Lets hope it comes with built in babysitters, 4 bedrooms and big yard, oh and all for bargin prices! Dont forget 1 picture of Toby on quilt, please (tummy up or down doesnt matter)! love Sue

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