6 weeks old

24 Mar

Nathan and Shirley 

Nathan seems to hate the car seat, and will often scream for most of a car trip.  Hence, I was rather concerned about our 2.5 week car trip that was planned…Sydney-Adelaide-Horsham-Timboon-Melbourne-Sydney.  We decided to fly Nathan and myself to Adelaide, and Andrew drove the car down as quickly as was feasibly possible.  Nathan hardly made a sound for the entire flight.  I fed him on the way up, and fed him on the way down, and I don’t think he even noticed the change in pressure. The trip from the airport to Shirley’s farm was horrible, with Nathan screaming from the back seat.  I decided to sit in the back to help to try to console him, and I put a muslin wrap over the carseat so that he couldn’t see things flashing past, and that seemed to help and I finally got him to sleep for the rest of the trip.  

We visited some friends for lunch in Adelaide on Saturday and Nathan slept all the way there but he had quite a screaming fit on the way home.  Today we drove to Horsham and managed to keep Nathan happy for all but the last 15 minutes of the trip, so I now have some hope that the rest of the driving can be managed so that we don’t have to deal with a screaming baby for very long.  

The pimples no longer have white heads, but they seem to be hanging around, though sometimes they are much more noticeable than other times.

The smiles are coming much more readily and for longer now.  I love his smiles, there’s nothing better! 

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