6 weeks old

01 Feb

I’m tired, bone shatteringly tired.  Toby sleeps relatively well at night, with generally a 5 hour sleep before waking up for a feed and then he’s pretty noisy in his sleep and wakes often.  That’s if I get him back to his hammock or our bed…often I just fall asleep on the couch while I’m feeding him and I can wake up 2 hours later with a very stiff neck.   My sleep problem is really the combination of the two children.  Some nights we can get Nathan to sleep around 8:30 or 9 pm, but other nights he just won’t go to sleep until 10 or even 11 pm.  Often before Toby wakes up, Nathan will wake and crawl into bed with us.  No problems if he goes back to sleep straight away, but a big issue if it takes him an hour and a half to go back to sleep.  He’s also often waking up around 5:30 am on in the morning.  I know, I know, there are mums who are worse off, after all, I generally get about 3 hours of decent sleep and then several hours of disturbed or uncomfortable sleep, but it doesn’t stop me from falling asleep while Nathan turns a page in a book that I’m reading him!

I tried getting Toby onto my back for the first time last Friday and it was pretty successful.  I found it really hard to wrap him, made harder because he was really unhappy while I was trying to do it, but as soon as I finished he fell asleep.  I really want to use a back carry position so that I am more able to meet Nathan’s needs and wants (eg helping him on the toilet or picking him up and carrying him when we cross roads).  I plan to keep practicing every day and hopefully I’ll get the hang of it.  My fear is that I’m simply not flexible enough to do it properly, but hopefully that’s an unfounded fear.

We pretty much keep to Nathan’s schedule where we go out every morning, back at midday for Nathan’s day sleep and then we tend to stay at home during the afternoon.  Unfortunately Toby doesn’t sleep while Nathan does during the day, but I’m trying to work out how I can engineer it.  😀

3 Responses

  1. katepickle says:

    The back carry gets easier as they get older and have more head control. Ironically so does the sleep thing… then it gets worse, then better, then worse…. LOL

  2. Twodragons says:

    hang in I am told it gets better!!! :-))

  3. Kate says:

    Sorry to hear you’re so tired. Look at Toby’s strong lil neck! He’s a cutie!

    Things should improve once Toby is a bit older. Take care and rest when you can x

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