5 weeks old

25 Jan

There are some interesting differences between Nathan and Toby at the same age.  Toby is a very noisy sleeper!  He grunts and groans when he farts and stretches, and sometimes I’m afraid he will wake up Nathan.  If the noises get too loud then I take Toby to the loungeroom.  If I try to feed him in bed he can make a load of new noises as well, so most of our feeding so far has been on the couch.  I don’t remember Nathan being so noisy.  In fact, what I do remember is wondering if I just had a quiet baby or if other people are too sensitive to noises when I heard people say things like “oh, I was going to have baby sleep in the room with us but he was too noisy”.  Eh, I think that nearly 2 years on I’ve answered that question…Nathan wasn’t a noisy sleeper, Toby is.  😀

Another interesting difference between the two boys is their ability to tolerate car travel.  When Nathan was a baby I would dread getting into the car with him, and almost all car trips (particularly those without Andrew) were capped at about 10 minutes because that was about as much as Nathan could tolerate before the screaming started.  If I thought a trip would take longer, then I often just wouldn’t go, because Nathan’s screaming just stressed me too much.  I hated it.  Toby, on the other hand, seems to be soothed by the moving car and will generally fall asleep.  Our trips so far have been relatively short, so it will be interesting to see how he goes on a longer trip.

I can see that Toby is losing his newborn look.  I can’t believe how fast the first month has gone! Toby has the baby acne all over his face and neck, but it isn’t always too noticeable, but it does always appear worst when he is carried in a wrap or pouch, probably because he gets hot.  His head control is getting better and can hold his head up for quite a while now.  Yesterday we went to the city and Toby spent quite a bit of time looking around, he seemed very interested by what he saw.

One Response

  1. Kate says:

    Sounds like noisy boy is doing well! He’s very cute and still looks very newborn to me! 😉

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