4.5 months old

28 Jun

Another 2 weeks down! Nathan is now doing lots of rolling, though so far he only rolls from his back to his front by rolling over his left arm, and back using the reverse. When he’s on his tummy he wriggles his legs as if he’s desperate to crawl, and sometimes he even gets his bum off the ground, but so far no proper crawling. He just continues to inch around the mat, but with a little rolling as well, he can move a little bit.

Nathan has also started to giggle occasionally, but rarely for as long as the first time which was a mixture of giggling, hiccuping and squealing.

Nathan’s become more tolerant of car travel and being in the pram, though he still doesn’t like spending a lot of time in either. Andrew bought a great toy to go on the pram, and Nathan just loves it! It’s a dragon on elastic, but the dragon is made up of a lot of different coloured wooden pieces and bells, and Nathan loves to chew/suck on them. And my secret weapon in the car is to sing ’10 green bottles’ as loudly as I can. I don’t know why that song makes him stop crying (as long as it’s not a scream) or grizzling, but it has successfully worked several times on many different occasions now. Eh, it will be something else in a week or two, I guess.

Nathan has also started to suck his bottom lip…he does it quite regularly. We haven’t a clue why he’s doing it. And finally, he’s been a bit more wakeful at night, and can wake up screaming (that happens day or night). It’s not a nice way for him to wake up, and not nice for Andrew and I either. The hammock is still working quite well, and those nights when Nathan won’t feed to sleep, he always succumbs to the bouncing hammock. Unfortunately it can take up to half an hour to get him soundly asleep, and by that time I’m falling asleep myself!

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