4 weeks old

10 Mar

Nathan at 3.5 weeks old

Every day seems so very long, and yet the last 4 weeks have literally flown by.

I leave the flat almost every day, but I find it terribly stressful. I try to time trips so that Nathan is not hungry so that I don’t have to put up with lots of screaming in the car or pram, but that is not always possible and sometimes feeding him just before going out doesn’t work anyway. I’m constantly tired, even though we get about 8 hours of sleep with a 4 or 5 hour straight stint most nights. I find the almost constant feeds during the day are tiring as well, and is the grizzling/crying in the afternoons and evenings.

The acne on Nathan’s face is improving and might even be gone in a week or so. He seems to try to reach out for toys, but has no real coordination to his movements. We think he likes his baths and the massage we give him after baths. Andrew and I have talked about dummies, but so far we haven’t introduced them. Instead Nathan sucks on his fist and index finger. He hasn’t found his thumb yet. His umbilical cord dropped off when he was 6 days old, but his belly button continued to bleed a little for ages. I noticed today, however, that it seems to be clean and free from blood now!

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