4 weeks old

18 Jan

Toby only has the slightest tinge of jaundice left.  He was quite yellow in the first week of his life, including the whites of his eyes, but his colour has been gradually improving since he was about 7 days old.  Toby is noticeably less floppy than he was…his neck is so much stronger than it was at birth.  He managed to roll from his back to his front on a very slightly sloping ground yesterday.  He even got his arm out from underneath him after a lot of effort!

Toby seems to sleep quite well in the baby hammock, though for most of the day he sleeps like a baby…that is, he wakes up when I put him down even if it is in the hammock.  We’ve been getting out every morning, usually to a park unless there is something I need to do like grocery shopping.  I wear Toby in a wrap and he sleeps the morning away in there.  Then it’s home for Nathan’s nap and we tend to spend the afternoons at home because Toby has a bit of a feeding frenzy.  To be honest, if I put Toby back into the wrap he’d probably sleep there quite well, but I find it too limiting in what I can do with Nathan so I keep trying to put him down in different places (hammock, floor, bouncer) and in different positions to see if anything helps him stay asleep.  So far I haven’t made any startling discoveries.  He generally goes to sleep for 4 – 5 hours between 9 and 10:30 pm and makes a lot of noise every hour after that until I get up for the day around 5 or 6 am.  It is too dark for me to tell if he is awake when he makes all his grunting noises but I generally get up and bounce the hammock or get him up for a feed just to try to keep him quiet so that he doesn’t wake up Nathan!

Toby also seems to reach out for items on the baby gym, though his movements are uncoordinated so it’s a bit hard to tell if the movements are deliberate.  He also looks for me a lot when someone else is holding him, or so Andrew says.  He also has baby acne and has had it for a couple of weeks now.  It is not always too noticeable, though it always looks worst when I’ve been wearing him in the wrap.

2 Responses

  1. Kate says:

    What a good lil newborn! Love his bear (it’s a bit like Felix’s one!)… Hope it’s all going well Chris x

  2. tinacek says:

    Andrew didn’t like the photo with the bear so I changed it. 🙂

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